DU, military bio agents and radioactive waste in Ukraine

From Strategic Stability

Report # 302.


November 17,2023

1. The West poisons the West

Radiation safety threats associated with the use of depleted uranium (DU) shells by Ukrainian formations have significantly increased. This was stated by Secretary of the Russian national Security Council Nikolay Patrushev at a meeting on national security held in Voronezh city on 16 November, 2023.

DU, military bio agents and radioactive waste in Ukraine

William Arkin: CIA Is Playing “Outsize Role” in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces

A new investigation reveals the extent of the CIA’s involvement in the war in Ukraine, where the agency operates clandestinely in what, under a formal declaration of war, would be the domain of the military. We’re joined on the show by the author of the investigation, William Arkin, a national security reporter and senior editor at Newsweek, who says that the CIA has “got its hand in a little bit of everything” in Ukraine. According to various sources, the CIA is shuttling weapons into Ukraine using a “gray fleet” of commercial aircraft that crisscrosses Central and Eastern Europe, sending personnel into Ukraine on secret missions and assisting Ukrainians with new weapons and systems, all while using Poland as its clandestine hub to coordinate its operations inside the country. At the same time, the U.S.’s nonaligned status appears to place a limit on its intelligence, keeping it in the dark on both Zelensky and Putin’s next moves.

William Arkin: CIA Is Playing “Outsize Role” in Ukraine Despite Biden Pledge Not to Send U.S. Forces


The CIA’s Blind Spot about the Ukraine War

My takeaways:

  • Putting aside the propaganda, Burns has been allegedly using the CIA as military operatives. Supposedly, this is why they clueless about what’s going on, such as with the NordStream attack, the terrorist attacks inside Russia, or the attacks on the Crimean Bridge. More likely, they are ‘clandestinely’ involved!
  • If Zelenskyi isn’t in charge, is Valerii Zaluzhnyi, whose advisor is former Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh?!
  • The Biden admin is dangerously using commercial airlines (the CIA asked Newsweek not to identify which ones are being used) to transfer weapons to Ukraine. Russia isn’t stupid enough to target a commercial airliner, but I wouldn’t put it past the AFU to setup the Russian Armed Forces!

A radioactive cloud from Khmelnitsky is approaching Europe + U.S. Is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine

From: State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
(Poor Machine Translation)

Now it’s official. Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Patrushev said that the radioactive cloud that arose after the explosion of an ammunition depot in Khmelnitsky (where a large number of depleted uranium tank shells were destroyed) is approaching Western Europe. An increase in the radiation level has been recorded in Poland. As the British said there. You shouldn’t worry about it. Our military must be understood before the blow got acquainted with the wind rose and are now watching the consequences. The main threat from such munitions is the serious increase in cancer in the medium term, as confirmed in Yugoslavia and Iraq. Now in Ukraine and Europe

A radioactive cloud from Khmelnitsky is approaching Europe


U.S. Is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine

Russia: HTS militants, White Helmets preparing false-flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib

Russia: HTS militants, White Helmets preparing false-flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib

Addressing a meeting of the security chiefs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent, Patrushev stated that the extremists, having suffered heavy blows in Iraq and Syria, are now changing their tactics and expanding their activities in other parts of the world, including South Asia and Africa.

US asked to explain after Pentagon admits to operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine after months of denial

US asked to explain after Pentagon admits to operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine after months of denial (Archived)


Pentagon Admits Supporting 46 Biolabs in Ukraine

DoD Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries (Archived)

Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China (PDF)

The birth of the baby twins: Russia’s strategic swing drives NATOstan nuts

The birth of the baby twins: Russia’s strategic swing drives NATOstan nuts

By Pepe Escobar, 02-22-2022

(Written this morning in Istanbul, BEFORE Putin buried the Minsk agreements. Everything else – and beyond – stands.)

History will register that the birth of the baby twins – Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics – only a few hours before 2/22/22, was simultaneous to the birth of the real, 21st century multipolar world.

CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow

CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow

The most popular narrative currently making the rounds among some conspiracy theorists is that the Biden Administration has compiled what might be described as a dossier on the expansion of Chinese influence operations worldwide and is keen to make the case that they threaten everyone, including the Europeans and Russians. Presumably Burns would have been in Moscow to share that information in hopes that the burgeoning de facto alliance between Russia and China can be reversed. Whether Burns was successful in such a task remains to be seen, but it of course would not take into account that views in Beijing and Moscow have been shaped and hardened by confrontational activity that the United States has been engaged in both in the Baltic and South China Sea.

Russia aside, witness the recent wave of China bashing, begun by Barack Obama with his pivot to Asia, continued under Donald Trump with his China virus rants, and endorsed by Joe Biden’s team which persists in labeling Beijing as enemy number one. No one steps back and considers even for a moment that the US is China’s largest market and that the US in turn relies on Chinese manufactured products to fill its Walmarts. If ever two nations had good reasons not to go to war, it would be China and the United States, yet the US desire to confront the “Red Menace” to include defending Taiwan continues to drive policy.