Resolution for 2022: Dare to Build Your Own Opinions and Then Defend Them!


Anyone who has followed the political culture in the US, Canada, UK, EU over the past twenty years must have realized that a war on epistemology, on truth, on semantics is going on. We witness the hijacking of concepts like democracy, freedom, peace, patriotism, human rights — and their instrumentalization for domestic and geopolitical purposes. We observe a process of language destruction not unlike what Orwell foresaw in his sadly visionary book 1984. “Newspeak” is not the future, it is now, hic et nunc. We recognize it in the jargon of political correctness, the language and practice of the “cancel culture”.

COUNTERPUNCH: Resolution for 2022: Dare to Build Your Own Opinions and Then Defend Them!

Compromised: UN “Special Rapporteur” to Myanmar Spent Years Promoting US Regime Change

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Tom Andrews has spent years within the US government’s National Democratic Institute and as an adviser to the US-based “National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma” – he was also involved in Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel Peace Prize.

It is an obvious conflict of interest with Tom Andrews demonstrably taking sides, ignoring abuses by Myanmar’s opposition, and abusing his position at the UN to help advance US foreign policy objectives including regime change in Myanmar.

The New Atlas

Opens in YouTube: Compromised: UN “Special Rapporteur” to Myanmar Spent Years Promoting US Regime Change

Abraham Accord: Experts Warn Trump Peace Deal a Precursor to War with Iran

Abraham Accord: Experts Warn Trump Peace Deal a Precursor to War with Iran

The Abraham Accord, as it is known, is likely to expand the power of Gulf dictatorships and increase the number of devastating high-tech weapons in the Middle East, fueling further instability and bloodshed, a welcome prospect for neoconservative hawks and religious zealots who see the deal as fulfilling ancient prophecies about the end of the world. Above all, the deal can be seen as an attempt to present a united front against Iran for any potential future war — a conflict that would likely make Iraq and Afghanistan look mild by comparison.