Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election + Notes

Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election

But the likely victory of Prabowo — an ex-general who was kicked out from the army and subjected to a two-decade ban from the U.S. over human rights violations — raises fears of the world’s third-largest democracy sliding backward into authoritarian rule.


3 things you should know about Indonesia’s presidential elections

Continuity and its risks

Prabowo is expected to largely continue the policies of President Widodo, or “Jokowi,” as Indonesians call him. President Widodo is not up for reelection as he’s serving his final term.

Through his two five-year terms, Indonesia’s economy — Southeast Asia’s largest — has grown at about 5% a year. His infrastructure building, cash and food assistance to the poor and health and education policies have been popular.

Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of nickel, used in making electric vehicle batteries, and Jokowi has barred the export of raw nickel, to help Indonesia move up the value chain from mining to manufacturing.

Prabowo is Suharto’s son-in-law. He received training in the 1980s from the U.S. military at Fort Benning, Ga. (now Fort Moore) and Fort Bragg, N.C. (now Fort Liberty).

Indonesia’s presidential election emerges as key battleground in US-China rivalry

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How Netanyahu falsifies the news

We in the West think we’re well informed about what’s happening in Gaza. We are not. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us. Any dissenting opinion is censored.

How Netanyahu falsifies the news

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

In Defense of Neutrals: Why they’re more than just fence sitters.

The demise of neutrality has been much exaggerated. Finnish membership and Sweden’s accession application to NATO have been interpreted in some corners as evidence of its decline. In wars of aggression, refusing to pick sides is untenable, some hold, as they berate those who still do not send weapons to Ukraine or sanction Russia.

Neutrality and Nonalignment Are Signs of Strength

Indonesia trashes Pentagon’s ‘joint statement’ on China and Russia

Jakarta stressed its “non-aligned” status and said it seeks good ties with all countries.

Indonesia trashes Pentagon’s ‘joint statement’ on China and Russia

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Chinese Embassy Spokesperson’s Remarks

In Ukraine, the United States Is In Over Its Head

By Thomas Meaney. Mr. Meaney, a fellow at the Max Planck Society in Germany, writes regularly on American foreign policy and international relations.

The greatest blunder President Vladimir Putin may have made so far in Ukraine is giving the West the impression that Russia could lose the war. The early Russian strike on Kyiv stumbled and failed. The Russian behemoth seemed not nearly as formidable as it had been made out to be. The war suddenly appeared as a face-off between a mass of disenchanted Russian incompetents and supercharged, savvy Ukrainian patriots.

In Ukraine, the United States Is In Over Its Head

West tells Global South ‘you can’t be neutral’ in Ukraine war: You are either with us, or against us

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West tells Global South ‘you can’t be neutral’ in Ukraine war: You are either with us, or against us

The tedious China scare in Latin America

In a January article for Foreign Affairs, former Peruvian presidential candidate Julio Armando Guzmán depicts increased Chinese investment in Latin America as an existential threat to the region’s democracies.

The tedious China scare in Latin America



NED/CIA’s candidate lost the 2021 Peruvian general election and is calling for regime change in Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and El Salvador!? 🧐💭