FBI Interviews Sarah Bils, the Donbass Devushka, as the DOJ and NCIS Probes Her Past

The DOJ and NCIS confirm that Bils is under multiple investigations, as details of a trouble past come to light.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh was peppered with questions about Bils during a Monday press briefing. When asked if the Department of Defense was aware that the former Navy chief petty officer had been posting Russian propaganda since 2014 and if she had been under investigation prior to the revelation of the document leak, Ms. Singh replied, “Because this investigation is ongoing, I would refer you to the DOJ for that.”

The investigation by the FBI and NCIS comes at a time when the U.S. government appears to be cracking down on Russian influence [dissent] in American politics. In a separate case, the DOJ announced on Tuesday that four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals have been charged with “conspiring to covertly sow discord in U.S. society, spread Russian propaganda, and interfere illegally in U.S. elections.” A federal grand jury alleges that Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agents recruited, funded, and discredited U.S. political groups to act as unregistered Moscow agents. Omali Yeshitela, Penny Joanne Hess, Jesse Nevel, and Augustus Romain Jr. of St. Petersburg, Florida, have been charged with violating the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), and each faces up to five years in prison.

FBI Interviews Sarah Bils, the Donbass Devushka, as the DOJ and NCIS Probes Her Past

NAFO claims that Donbass Devushka’s Telegram channel was started in 2014 (during the war in Donbas?), while Bellingcat alleges that it was the first to publicly leak the Pentagon documents. Malcontent News suggests that she could be charged as a foreign agent due to her loose association with Rybar. They incorrectly state that the members of the Uhuru Movement are being charged under FARA. They’re being charged under Title 18 U.S.C. §951, according to the indictment. FYI, speech is restricted, under the UCMJ, while serving in the military.


NAFO: Social-Media Account Overseen by Former Navy Noncommissioned Officer Helped Spread Secrets

Four Americans and two Russians conspired to sway elections, influence politics, Justice Department says

NAFO: Social-Media Account Overseen by Former Navy Noncommissioned Officer Helped Spread Secrets

Twitter thread on ThreadReader

Social-Media Account Overseen by Former Navy Noncommissioned Officer Helped Spread Secrets

There is no evidence that Ms. Bils, who had a security clearance during her Navy service, has used that access to steal any classified information herself. “I obviously know the gravity of top-secret classified materials. We didn’t leak them,” she said.

Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a spokesman for the Pentagon, referred requests for comment on Ms. Bils and her role in reposting classified information to the Justice Department, which declined to comment


Pekka Kallioniemi’s ‘v@tniksoup’ (Who’s Who list of who to follow?!)

Donbass Devushka’s Linktree

Biden’s ex-disinfo czar registers as foreign agent


The former disinformation czar for President Joe Biden’s administration has apparently landed on her feet after resigning amid controversy earlier this year. She has registered as a foreign agent representing a UK activist group that advocates for censorship of speech it finds objectionable.

Biden’s ex-disinfo czar registers as foreign agent

H/T: Unorthodox Truth


Who Runs Britain’s ‘Centre for Information Resilience,’ Employer of Disinformation Czarina Jankowicz?

Intelligence operative confirms British gov’t is targeting The Grayzone


The first time I learned about Kent McLellan “Boneface” was through the investigation of Vasily Prozorov a former employee of the Ukrainian Security Services now uncovering the hidden truths of Ukraine on his channel UKRLEAKS.



18+: Interview and Chats with Former Azov Member Kent “Boneface” McLellan, Who Has Returned to the United States After Evacuation From Azovstal


I’ve seen the crucifixion video and it’s hard to tell if it’s real or not. More “fact-checks” claim that it’s propaganda than those that claim it’s real. It’s gruesome but the video ends right after they start the fire. The only website (Deep Gore Tube) that it seems to still be at has pop-up ads to porn sites. If you do click, to watch it, don’t say that I didn’t warn you!

Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

In recent weeks there has been a flurry of articles celebrating Twitter’s mostly anonymous “internet army” called NAFO, or the North Atlantic Fellas Organization. This “social media movement” of dogmatic pro-Ukraine keyboard warriors with customized Shiba Inu avatars is all about ridiculing, gaslighting, and piling on those labeled by the “fellas” as enemy combatants in their information war with Russia, which many have assumed that NAFO is helping Ukraine to win. But it’s increasingly obvious that is not necessarily the case.

Ukes, Kooks & Spooks: #NAFO


Pro-Ukrainian NAFO troll chief outed as ‘Nazi’

Jason Jay Smart also worked with Cambridge Analytica.

Contracted by Cambridge Analytica (a sister company of the SCL Group), to advise on how to most effectively use “big data” analytics and digital outreach on the Presidential campaign of a US Senator. The innovative application of this new science has revolutionized modern American and international political campaigns.

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