Pine Gap’s secret expansion

Pine Gap’s secret expansion (archived)

The expansion of Pine Gap’s capabilities to assist a US strike on China amplifies the risk of such a nuclear war as China and the US manoeuvre in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and adjacent areas.

At Declassified Australia I reported that Pine Gap was providing intelligence to the US for use by the Israel Defense Forces, most likely focusing on the “remote launch signals for Hamas rockets, as well as any threatened missile launches from Lebanon or Iran”. The new enhanced Pine Gap radomes add to this intelligence with rapid detection and tracking of the thermal signature of launches of rockets and missiles.

However, while Pine Gap base presently has a heightened attention to Ukraine and Gaza, these limited wars are not the main aim of the huge US investment in the Australian-sited base.

The development of the three new satellite antennas at Pine Gap is the subject of a new study by Professor Tanter. He says they indicate “a greater Australian involvement with US nuclear war fighting planning and operations”. The primary purpose of the new antennas is believed to be to hunt and target Chinese nuclear missile silos.

With the US retaining this policy option to respond to a serious military threat with nuclear weapons, a pre-emptive nuclear war with China is not impossible. If this happened, Australia would be on the nuclear frontline.

If China believes a war will turn nuclear, it may believe its only chance of survival is to shoot first and cripple the US to such an extent its retaliation is muted. De-escalation would be impossible.

The expansion of Pine Gap’s capabilities to assist a US strike on China amplifies the risk of such a nuclear war as China and the US manoeuvre in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and adjacent areas.

Professor Paul Dibb, an academic at the Australian National University and former director of Australia’s Joint Intelligence Organisation, in a policy paper in 2022  confirmed Pine Gap was definitely a target if a conflict between the nuclear powers arose in the Indo-Pacific.

Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel

America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day. – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said:

Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel


Michael Tracey: America First, or Ukraine First?

How Cyprus is used to facilitate genocide

How Cyprus is used to facilitate genocide

Activists claim the UK and US use Cyprus as an “unsinkable warship” as recent conflicts in the Middle East spark renewed controversy over British military bases on the Mediterranean island.

UK ‘bases of death’ in Cyprus see controversy amid Middle East conflicts


U.S. Spies Have ‘Wide Range’ of Facilities on UK’s Cyprus Base Near Gaza and Share Intelligence with Israel Daily

Well, That’s Everyone: Senator Wyden Letter Confirms The NSA Is Buying US Persons’ Data From Data Brokers

Buying domestic data from data brokers is just something the government does all the time. Bypassing restraints enacted by the Supreme Court, federal agencies (along with local law enforcement agencies) are hoovering up whatever domestic data they can from private companies all too happy to be part of the problem.

Well, That’s Everyone: Senator Wyden Letter Confirms The NSA Is Buying US Persons’ Data From Data Brokers

Deep Dive into the 2020 Guyanese Election & Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute

Regarding the recent ICJ ruling (presided over by former State Department employee, Judge Joan Donoghue) on the Venezuela-Guyana border dispute and the 2020 Guyanese general election: I have come to the conclusion, based on my research, that the USG—along with the UK Foreign Office and Canada—interfered in the 2020 election, in order that their favored candidate (Irfaan Ali of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic) would become President, and that disputed territory, of Essequibo, rightfully belongs to Venezuela.


Part 2 (Rough Draft):

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U.S. Spies Have ‘Wide Range’ of Facilities on UK’s Cyprus Base Near Gaza and Share Intelligence with Israel Daily

An aerial view of Ayios Nikolaos Station, a British base on Cyprus which hosts a huge US spy facility. (Google Earth)

Leaked top secret documents reveal spying assets on British Cyprus are integrated with “military planning and operations”—and intelligence is likely being passed to Israel to help it bomb Gaza, further implicating Britain in war crimes.

U.S. Spies Have ‘Wide Range’ of Facilities on UK’s Cyprus Base Near Gaza and Share Intelligence with Israel Daily

Ron Wyden Wants To Know Why The DEA Still Has On-Demand Access To Trillions Of Phone Records

For decades, the government has used the Third Party Doctrine to obtain massive amounts of phone records without a warrant.

Even prior to the creation of the Third Party Doctrine by the Supreme Court in 1979, government agencies were obtaining phone records using pen register requests that provided them with info on numbers called and the length of the calls. This method, however, required the government to supply some information of its own: specifically, a targeted source phone number phone companies could use to search for call metadata.

Ron Wyden Wants To Know Why The DEA Still Has On-Demand Access To Trillions Of Phone Records

At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

Twelve days ago, I was asked by the Opinion section of the New York Times to write an essay on the JFK assassination nearly 60 years later. This was a major breakthrough because the newspaper of record has always embraced the official version of the assassination, even as the Warren Report, based on the “magic bullet” and all that nonsense, has grown increasingly tattered over the years. In 2015, when The Devil’s Chessboard — my book about CIA spymaster Allen Dulles and the national security state’s war with President Kennedy — was published, the Times refused to review it. (Nonetheless, the book was a New York Times bestseller.)

At 60, We’re Winning – and Losing – the JFK Media War

H/T: Kim Iversen

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

As many as 36 groups advocating free speech, the Free Speech Alliance, have turned to US Congress with a request to stop any further funding of NewsGuard.

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

Previous NewsGuard posts (not necessarily conservative):

NewsGuard is very neutral. Its Board of Directors is secret, but its Advisory Board includes one of the co-founders of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) as well as the former director of the CIA and the NSA (General Michael Hayden), the former Secretary General of NATO (Anders Fogh Rasmussen), the former Secretary for Homeland Security (Tom Ridge) or the former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy – i.e. Propaganda (Richard Stengel)

The EU, NATO, NewsGuard and the Voltaire Network (original)

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House

Consortium News Sues NewsGuard, US Government For Alleged Defamation

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