America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington has used against Russia

By Tony Cox, a US journalist who has written and edited for Bloomberg and several major daily newspapers.

From pogrom-mongers to Hitlerites to radical Islamists, the US has collaborated with repugnant partners for more than a century

America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington has used against Russia (Alternative source)

Counterpunch: The Rule of Law Must Finally Evolve Into the Rule of Justice

Photo credit: James Burke


Many politicians, academics, media pundits are wont of invoking the “rule of law”, a “rules-based international order”, “values diplomacy” etc. But what do all these benevolent-sounding slogans actually mean in practice? Who makes the rules, who interprets them, who enforces them? What transparency and accountability accompany these noble pledges?

Counterpunch: The Rule of Law Must Finally Evolve Into the Rule of Justice