nomadiceveryman: I Scooped Fox News, the Intercept and Glenn Greenwald by Over a Year

It’s ain’t about a virus and it ain’t about China boys and girls. But they will tell you what it is about, if you simply listen.

I Scooped Fox News, the Intercept and Glenn Greenwald by Over a Year


Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance: Largest Funders Are Pentagon, USAID (State Department, CIA)

Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset – An Overview

Reposting for Cory’s introduction and noted key buzzwords.

Introduction by Cory Morningstar, Wrong Kind of Green Collective:

“This exemplary overview is written by Paul Cudenec, who I work with on the No Deal For Nature campaign – an effort to educate the citizenry (in order to stop) the coming enclosure and financialization of nature, global in scale. (Created by the World Economic Forum in partnership with the United Nations, World Wildlife Fund and Gore’s Climate Reality Project, legislation is now slated for 2021). “Ecosystem Services” will be bought, sold and traded on Wall Street. GDP replaced by “Natural Capital Accounting”. Those that have destroyed the planet’s biodiversity, will now own what remains. Including the oceans. The enclosure of the commons will further displace Indigenous Peoples. An acceleration of an ongoing genocide. Following the full commodification/privatization of nature, the financialization of social and human will follow. This is part of the new “global governance” infrastructure underpinning the fourth industrial revolution, being rolled out to the global citizenry as the “great reset”. COVID-19 is the catalyst. [Follow No Deal For Nature on twitter] [No Deal For Nature UK Website]

Packaged in holistic linguistics, key buzzwords (thrive, thriving, imagine, imagination, reimagine, build back better), new deals, and emotive imagery, those serving capital and current power structures have been tasked with building and obtaining the social license required.

But what exactly is the vision? Here, Paul takes you on a journey, using direct quotes from Klaus Schwab, from his recent books including “COVID-19, The Great Reset”. Both riveting – and terrifying, due to the depraved ideologies described within, I suggest people find a quiet place, to read every word of this overview. Please share in broader circles.”

Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset – An Overview

From British Israelism to the Miami Model: What’s Behind QAnon’s 2020 Resurgence?

From British Israelism to the Miami Model: What’s Behind QAnon’s 2020 Resurgence?

The ubiquitous presence of elements from law enforcement throughout the gestation of the phenomenon, as well as the grand narrative concocted with virtually every significant “conspiracy theory” in recent American history – from the Kennedy assassination to 9/11 – recast as a backdrop for an absurd tale about the redemption of the country, all point to QAnon being an elaborate psyop to justify internet de-platforming of dissident voices, on the one hand, and the potential real-world confrontation between nationalist, pro-cop groups and left-leaning contingents of the BLM, anti-police brutality crowd to justify a more severe crackdown on civil liberties, that began almost twenty years ago with the passage of the Patriot Act.

[2018] Where Did Donald Trump Go to College? 5 Fast Facts

Where did presidential candidate Donald Trump go to college, and what were his grades like?
— Read on

“Though Trump rarely mentions Fordham, he often flaunts his degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; he graduated from the prestigious Ivy League school in 1968 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, he said in a speech back in July, “I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I’m, like, a really smart person.” He also told Meet the Press, that Wharton is “probably the hardest [school] there is to get into.” 

According to Salon, though, Gwenda Blair wrote in her biography that Trump was admitted into Wharton mainly due to an interview with an admissions officer who was friends with Freddy, Donald’s older brother. Many have also speculated that his father’s prestigious status played a major part in Trump’s acceptance into the university.”