On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China

During a state visit to the People’s Republic of China in September 2023, Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro met president Xi Jinping and both agreed to strengthen the relationship of their countries by establishing seven sub commissions to elevate it to the level of ‘all-weather strategic partnership’. This is the culmination of a relationship that began with president Hugo Chavez’s first visit to Beijing in 1999, the very first year of his presidency.

On the strategic relationship between Venezuela and China

Claims by US over central Pacific now rival those of Beijing in South China Sea

Washington’s new pacts with three island states will establish a second island chain of attack as a complete sphere of influence in breach of international law and its own interpretation of freedom of navigation

Claims by US over central Pacific now rival those of Beijing in South China Sea


Joe Manchin Leads Senate Energy Committee Hearing On Compact Of Free Association Amendments Act (49:30)

U.S. Claims to Central Pacific Flout International Law

Roger Waters Comments About The Minsk Agreements Were Removed From Main CNN Video That Went Viral + Another Interview

CNN’s Attempt To Police Roger Waters


Video: The full Roger Waters interview with Michael Smerconish

West can end fighting in Ukraine tomorrow – Roger Waters

“Partnership in Blue Pacific” to Turn Pacific Islands into Anti-China War Zone

Jun 30, 2022 The US has announced yet another anti-China alliance. This one is called, “Partners in Blue Pacific,” and either includes or soon will include both the UK and France as well as Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

This is about countering China – but if China is attempting to trade, develop, and raise the entire region with its own rise upon the global stage – it means the US and its allies are attempting to counter development and progress for these Pacific island nations.

Many of these nations are approaching China in the first place specifically because of the impoverished, destabilized state they’ve been left in by the US and its allies.

“Partnership in Blue Pacific” to Turn Pacific Islands into Anti-China War Zone (Odysee) via The New Atlas


US and allies launch initiative to help Pacific Island nations

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