The Era Of Cheap Oil Has Come To An End

In its latest monthly report, OPEC revealed it had yet again failed to produce as much oil as it agreed to produce the last time it discussed output. And it wasn’t by a few thousand barrels per day, either. The shortfall was some 1.8 million barrels daily, but more importantly, that sort of undershooting of its own target has become a regular thing for the cartel. Meanwhile, the United States federal government needs to buy some oil for its strategic petroleum reserve after releasing close to 200 million barrels from it this year as a way of countering fuel price inflation. Yet U.S. drillers are not in a rush to boost production. On the contrary, it seems production growth has lost its place among these companies’ top priorities.

The Era Of Cheap Oil Has Come To An End


U.S. Begins SPR Repurchase Program As Oil Prices Crash

Energy Bills In Europe Are 90% Higher Than Last Year

Energy Bills In Europe Are 90% Higher Than Last Year

The high energy bills are creating headaches for European governments: strikes and protests are multiplying and disgruntlement with energy policies is growing. The cost of living in most of Europe is already exorbitant because of the energy crisis and this crisis is only going to get worse after the EU embargoes on Russian oil and then fuels come into effect.

Sahra Wagenknecht SMASHES the US’ double standards

We depend on Russia more than Russia depends on us.

Sarah Wagenknecht, the new star of German politics, puts German national interests first and is not afraid to call things by their proper names. In a new interview she states openly that the government has not yet found an alternative to Russian energy resources. According to Sarah, boycotting energy resources from Russia because of the military confrontation with Ukraine does not fit in with the logic of buying energy resources from Azerbaijan, which has shown aggression against Armenia, or the UAE, which has been bombing Yemen for years, and the US, despite the “impeccable democracy” often violates the international law.

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