Pakistan’s misery continues

Pakistan has a general election today. It will decide on the next government of the world’s fifth-most populous nation and the governments of its four provinces — Punjab, Singh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Around 128 million people can vote to pick 266 representatives to form the 16th parliament in a first-past-the-post system. They will also vote to elect the legislatures of the country’s four provinces.

Pakistan’s misery continues

Is this Movie a PsyOp? | Dangerous Misinformation in “How to Bl*w Up a Pipeline” (2022)

Is this Movie a PsyOp? | Dangerous Misinformation in “How to Bl*w Up a Pipeline” (2022) via Marxism Today


‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’ Director Claims That A High Level “Counterterrorism” Official Helped With The “Eco-Terrorist Thriller”

Beyond these praises from mainstream sources, the director of the movie (the aforementioned Daniel Goldhaber) said on video that someone within the U.S. armed forces provided assistance with the film. “There is a technical advisor, credited as anonymous, who’s somebody who’s very high up in counterterrorism in the United States military.”

The Anglo-American War on Russia – Part Seven (Russia Halts Greater Israel)

Russia did nothing as NATO bombed Serbia in 1999 and destroyed Libya in 2011. It watched NATO ignore promises not to expand eastward and not to build new military bases in Europe. After the CIA coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia realized that it must push back to survive.

Russia had always maintained friendly relations with Syria and sold it much weaponry. The Neocon’s Greater Israel project is mostly unknown to Americans. Part of this sinister plan was an effort to destroy Syria beginning in 2011. Israel and Turkey sought to expand their borders while the Arab gulf states wanted a secure pipeline to send natural gas to Europe. Neocons control American foreign policy so the United States supported this effort that shipped tons of arms and thousands of jihadist mercenaries to Syria to overthrow its popular government.

Russian intervention to save Syria in 2015 led to a huge power shift in the Middle East. The failed Neocon coup in Turkey, years of threats to Iran, and threats to Russia led to an informal alliance. These nations had differences in the past, but clear threats from the Israeli-America-Saudi axis of evil encouraged them to form an unofficial alliance. As a result, the Neocon plan for Greater Israel was halted, so the Neocons accelerated an ambitious plan to destroy Russia.

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Slava Slush Fund: despite economic crisis, Congress readies $12 billion more for Ukraine + More

U.S. has now allocated over $80 billion to Kiev.

Sure, financial markets and national currencies are imploding worldwide, but the military industrial regime needs to keep churning, and that means pumping more money into the Slava Slush Fund.

Slava Slush Fund: despite economic crisis, Congress readies $12 billion more for Ukraine


There’s no debating it: Biden will get billions in new Ukraine aid

“Oversight of Ukraine aid is sorely needed,” Julia Gledhill, a defense analyst for the Project on Government Oversight (POGO), tells Responsible Statecraft. “The State and Defense departments are handling billions of dollars in Ukraine funding, but neither have permanent inspectors general in place to investigate and prevent abuse of funds.”

Senate advances spending bill for Ukraine with $12 Billion

After the Senate invoked cloture for the legislative vehicle to carry out the CR, it will now be up for a full vote by the Senate. The House will next vote on it, likely on Friday.

Report: US Preparing $1.1 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine

The weapons package will likely include HIMARS rocket systems, HIMARS ammunition, counter-drone systems, radar systems, training, and technical support.

The arms package is expected to be provided to Kyiv using the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) as opposed to sending the arms directly from US military stockpiles. The USAI allows the Biden administration to purchase military equipment for Ukraine from the US arms industry.