Olympics-Russian Athletes Who Do Not Back Invasion of Ukraine Could Return to Competing

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is considering a return to competition of Russian athletes who do not support the country’s invasion of Ukraine, IOC president Thomas Bach said on Friday.

Olympics-Russian Athletes Who Do Not Back Invasion of Ukraine Could Return to Competing – IOC President


When has a western athlete ever been banned because his country started a war?

The Ouster Of Imran Khan: How Much Involvement Did the US Have in Pakistan’s Coup?

The Ouster Of Imran Khan: How Much Involvement Did the US Have in Pakista’s Coup?

On a regional level, the Khan administration has also taken steps that have angered the world’s sole superpower. Khan has attempted to increase close bilateral collaboration to improve trade and transport links with Iran, describing their 517-mile border as a frontier of “peace and friendship” and expressing his happiness at the “positive momentum in brotherly relations between the two countries.” In 2019, he also tried to broker peace negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, an agreement that could have brought considerably more peace to the Middle East. The Trump administration vehemently opposed these negotiations, scuppering them weeks later by assassinating Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

While he has supported Iran, he has also publically opposed many of the policies of key U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Israel. Khan successfully campaigned against Pakistani involvement in the Saudi-led war on Yemen, while he has consistently championed Palestinian rights and demanded the Muslim world do more to help them. “A day will come when Palestinians will get their own country, a just settlement, and they will be able to live as equal citizens,” he said last year, comparing their struggle to that of the worldwide campaign against Apartheid South Africa. Meanwhile, he has also publicly supported imprisoned publisher Julian Assange.

The Pakistani military is thought to possess around 165 nuclear warheads. The country’s nuclear status came into sharp relief just as the campaign to oust Khan was heating up. While the world was concentrating on Ukraine, a potentially far more deadly incident occurred when India mistakenly fired a BrahMos cruise missile – the sort it uses to deliver its nuclear warheads – into Pakistan. In the course of routine maintenance, the rocket was accidentally launched. India did not immediately inform its neighbor of its mistake.

From Bloomberg News To Fake News: The Inadvertent Dangers Of False Reporting


One can only imagine the US-led Western reaction if RT ended up making such a self-proclaimed ‘error’ alleging for instance that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finally abdicated after having already fled the capital out of fear of his own peacefully protesting people and arguably losing legitimacy according to the same standards that the US-led West applies towards Global South leaders.

From Bloomberg News To Fake News: The Inadvertent Dangers Of False Reporting