Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

As many as 36 groups advocating free speech, the Free Speech Alliance, have turned to US Congress with a request to stop any further funding of NewsGuard.

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

Previous NewsGuard posts (not necessarily conservative):

NewsGuard is very neutral. Its Board of Directors is secret, but its Advisory Board includes one of the co-founders of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) as well as the former director of the CIA and the NSA (General Michael Hayden), the former Secretary General of NATO (Anders Fogh Rasmussen), the former Secretary for Homeland Security (Tom Ridge) or the former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy – i.e. Propaganda (Richard Stengel)

The EU, NATO, NewsGuard and the Voltaire Network (original)

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House

Consortium News Sues NewsGuard, US Government For Alleged Defamation

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Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front.

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters


Conservative group launches campaign to push for GOP support for Ukraine

NED/CIA Join The Intercept

The Intercept Appoints Inaugural CEO, Announces Board of Directors

H/T: Sabby Sabs


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Omidyar Group blames the outraged reaction to the Ohio Train Derailment on Russian bots

Not long after the Ohio train derailment, pro-Russian voices on Twitter began spreading anti-U.S. propaganda about the incident

Pro-Moscow Voices Tried to Steer Ohio Train Disaster Debate


Reset is a non-profit, philanthropic organisation that both provides grants and contracts, and works programmatically alongside partners with shared policy, technology and advocacy goals.

Luminate and The Sandler Foundation are our founding funders. Additional funding is provided by Fidelity Charitable.

Luminate is a global philanthropic organisation that funds and supports non-profit and for-profit organisations, and advocates for the policies and action that helps build stronger societies. It was founded by The Omidyar Group, a diverse collection of companies, organisations and initiatives established by Pierre Omidyar – the founder of eBay – and his wife Pam

The origins of the anti-Qatar lobby on the World Cup Parts 1 & 2

As the World Cup gets fully underway, we can review the massive international campaign to make sure it never happened. The campaign was – obviously – not a success, but it involved at least seven countries and a host of lobby groups, PR firms, think tanks, and front groups. The first part of this investigation looks at the role of “Israel” which started the ball rolling back in 2014.

The origins of the anti-Qatar lobby on the World Cup


The anti-Qatar lobby Part 2

Anti-China Protests in Thailand: Who is Behind them & Why? Searching for Asia’s “Zelensky”

Nov 22, 2022 – As the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine destroys a nation and destabilizes a region, similar meddling that preceded the 2014 coup in Kiev is unfolding across Southeast Asia and in particular, in Thailand.

Who is the “Zelensky” of Thailand? Documented evidence exposes the Thai opposition as a product of years of US interference all in a bid to pivot Thailand aways from its largest economic and trade partner – China – and transform it into a belligerent proxy against Beijing on Washington’s behalf.


Anti-China Protests in Thailand: Who is Behind them & Why? Searching for Asia’s “Zelensky” (Odysee) via The New Atlas


Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change

Manufacturing Consent: How the United States Has Penetrated South African Media

The CIA has played a role in controlling South African media from the days of apartheid to the present.

In recent weeks, South African public discourse has been focused on concerns about alleged Chinese influence in the country’s media landscape. However, these conversations have tended to overlook the already existing spheres of influence within South African media. Politically motivated sponsorship of prominent South African media outlets by the United States dates back decades to the apartheid era. According to internal U.S. government documents, the aim of these operations was “to counter the strong Marxist campaigns” in the country. This funding was circulated by the National Endowment for Democracy, an organization created by the Reagan administration in order to re-brand U.S. covert operations that were previously carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. Today, as Washington becomes fixated on combating Beijing’s influence around the world, the National Endowment for Democracy and its private sector partners continue to penetrate large swathes of the South African media ecosystem. This web of influence has caught major publications, including Mail & Guardian newspaper and amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism.

Manufacturing Consent: How the United States Has Penetrated South African Media

Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next “Ukraine”

The Oslo Freedom Forum serves as the latest iteration of the US State Department’s training ground for subversion around the globe – following in line US-sponsored unrest in Ukraine in 2014 and the so-called “Arab Spring” in 2011.

Who is attending the Oslo Freedom Forum, what takes place there, and what is expected of attendees once they return to their respective nations?

Oslo Freedom Forum: US Proxies Train and Plan for the Next “Ukraine” (Video on Odysee)

The New Atlas on YouTube


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