What Israel’s Controversial Judicial Overhaul Means for Palestinians

What Israel’s Controversial Judicial Overhaul Means for Palestinians (archived)

For Palestinians, many of whom will have watched yesterday’s events from the sidelines, the judicial overhaul only stands to accelerate what has already been a worsening situation. The last couple of years have seen a major uptick in violence in the occupied territories, marked by deadly military raids and settler rampages. 2022 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in nearly two decades, and this year appears on course to beat that record. “The trends that we’re seeing have become much worse,” says Zonszein. “The reality on the ground for Palestinians was bad before [the judicial overhaul], and it’s bad now.”

LIVE BLOG | Jenin Under Massive Israeli Attack, Many Killed, Wounded

Many Palestinians have been reportedly killed and wounded in an ongoing Israeli military operation targeting the northern Palestinian town of Jenin and its refugee camp. This is considered the most violent Israeli army operation in the camp since the massacre of 2002.

LIVE BLOG | Jenin Under Massive Israeli Attack, Many Killed, Wounded


WATCH: Palestinian Resistance Blow up Israeli Military Vehicles in Jenin