Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?


Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Meet Mr. Massacre 

Breakup of Yugoslavia

The American Colony of Thailand

President Harry S. Truman helped transform the wartime OSS into a permanent government department known as the CIA in 1947. Without massive American wartime budgets, the newly established CIA wanted other sources of funding, and the opium trade could help. As a result, the CIA quickly organized its first coup by overthrowing the government of Thailand. It used profits from the opium trade to bribe Thai generals to transform Thailand into an American colony whose army was expanded and equipped to provide troops for American military adventures.

The American Colony of Thailand via Tales of the American Empire

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Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

by Jean Shaoul, WSWS, Jun 24 2022

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake in a remote area of Afghanistan has killed at least 1,000 people and injured at least 1,500. While the worst affected area is the mountainous Paktika province, deaths have also been reported in the eastern provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. Many more bodies are thought to be buried in mud as heavy rain hampers rescue efforts.

With the ever-expanding US war against Russia, the US is preparing to bring the type of devastation wrought upon Afghanistan and Iraq to Europe, at an even greater cost in lives and treasure.

Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation