Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?

The following remarks were delivered at a conference marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of Serbia: “The 1999 Red-Green Bombing Terror against Serbia,” held on March 20, 2024, at the Bundestag in Berlin hosted by MdB Dr. Rainer Rothfuß and his Alternative for Germany parliamentary group.

Why Did Washington Insist on the Kosovo War?


Bosnia II: The Clinton Administration Sets Course for NATO Intervention in Kosovo

Meet Mr. Massacre 

Breakup of Yugoslavia

U.S. Agent To Be New President Of Finland

Alexander Stubb will willingly build a new Iron Curtain in Europe if he becomes the President of Finland. Mr. Stubb, former Prime Minister of Finland (2014–2015), Minister for Foreign Affairs (2008–2011), member of the National Coalition Party (Kansallinen Kokoomus or Kokoomus) leading the ruling coalition and the government, rejects the possibility of restoring relations with Russia even once the war in Ukraine ends. After the armed conflict in Ukraine, Stubb is ready to start a war in Finland.

U.S. Agent To Be New President Of Finland


Alexander Stubb: Relations with Russia only when Ukraine wins the war

Former Finnish premier Stubb reveals his CIA-contacts as Plame and Lavery

Do Russians know everything about Alexander Stubb’s cooperation with the CIA?

NED: Georgia, still in their crosshairs

YouTube: Georgia’s Path to Europe

The European Commission’s November recommendation that EU candidacy status be granted to Georgia is the latest in a string of hard-won victories the Georgian people have achieved in recent months. In March, hundreds of thousands of Georgians took to the streets and forced the government to abandon a draconian Russian-style NGO law. In October, a controversial partisan gambit to impeach President Salome Zurabishvili failed after vocal opposition both in the parliament and throughout civil society. The loudest voices pushing back against democratic decline in the country belong to youth, civil society, and parliamentarians such as the women on this panel. Women from different political parties are coming together to highlight the importance of expanding political participation and keeping European integration the nation’s top priority.

Georgia’s Path to Europe


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The Kononovich Brothers – The Story So Far


Nov 22, 2023

600 days since the arrest of the Kononovich brothers, we look at how their case has progressed and what the anti-imperialist youth around the world have been doing to demand and secure their freedom from the reactionary Ukrainian regime.

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Full video: The Kononovich Brothers – The Story So FarSPECTRE Podcast


Previous posts on the Kononovich Brothers

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

I want to speak to you tonight about Ukraine – what has happened to it and why, how it is likely to emerge from the ordeal to which great power rivalry has subjected it; and what we can learn from this. I do so with some trepidation and a warning to this audience. My talk, like the conflict in Ukraine, is a long and complicated one. It contradicts propaganda that has been very convincing. My talk will offend anyone committed to the official narrative. The way the American media have dealt with the Ukraine war brings to mind a comment by Mark Twain: “The researches of many commentators have already thrown much darkness on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know nothing at all about it.”

Chas Freeman: The Many Lessons of the Ukraine War

[2005] The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre

“Srebrenica” has become the symbol of evil, and specifically Serb evil. It is commonly described as “a horror without parallel in the history of Europe since the Second World War” in which there was a cold-blooded execution “of at least 8,000 Muslim men and boys.” [1] The events in question took place in or near the Bosnian town of Srebrenica between July 10 and 19, 1995, as the Bosnian Serb army (BSA) occupied that town and fought with and killed many Bosnian Muslims, unknown numbers dying in the fighting and by executions. There is no question but that there were executions, and that many Bosnian Muslim men died during the evacuation of Srebrenica and its aftermath. But even though only rarely discussed there is a major issue of how many were executed, as numerous bodies found in local grave sites were victims of fighting, and many Bosnian Muslim men who fled Srebrenica reached Bosnian Muslim territory safely. Some bodies were also those of the many Serbs killed in the forays by the Bosnian Muslims out of Srebrenica in the years before July 1995.

The Politics of the Srebrenica Massacre


The Srebrenica Massacre was a Gigantic Political Fraud – Dr Edward Herman (YouTube)

“Srebrenica: Evidence, Context, Politics.” by Edward S Herman (PDF)

Credit: Jason Hunt

Flashback To 2008: Prominent Neo-Conservative Admits U.S. Role In Eastern European Revolutions

Video via The New Populists with Dave Brown.


The End of the End of History

President Barack Obama spent “$5 billion paying Ukrainians to riot and dismantle their democratically elected government.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene Parrots Russian Talking Point on Ukraine

2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine: US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev

Ukrainian President Gives High State Award To Soros

NBC Claims Former US Officials Held Secret Talks With Russians

Update: Russia‘s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman called the report “disinformation”

Report: Former Senior US Officials Held Secret Talks With Russians

Regarding OSCE, they’ve done that, before, and they don’t seem so neutral.


Former U.S. officials have held secret Ukraine talks with prominent Russians

“A neutral organization — either the UN or the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe — would send in observers to monitor and enforce the cease-fire and pullback,” the former U.S. officials wrote. “Assuming a cease-fire holds, peace talks should follow.”

The West Needs a New Strategy in Ukraine

NBC ‘spreading disinfo’ on Ukraine talks – Moscow

Zelensky regime is planning our assassination: Urgent Appeal from Kononovich Brothers

In an urgent appeal to the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFTY), Communist Youths and anti-fascist organizations, Ukrainian communists Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, denounce the Zelensky regime for planning their assassination.

Zelensky regime is planning our assassination: Urgent Appeal from Kononovich Brothers

Video via Proletarian TV


Communist activists Aleksander and Mikhail Kononovich are facing death threats in Ukraine