Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel Into Saudi Royal Bodyguards

President Joe Biden has made a habit of putting the interest of foreign governments before that of the American people. Like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. 

Biden Offers to Turn U.S. Military Personnel Into Saudi Royal Bodyguards by Doug Bandow

Flashback (has he forgotten?):

[2019] American Soldiers Are Not Bodyguards for Saudi Royals by Doug Bandow

President Donald Trump believes in America First except when it comes to the Saudi royal family. Then it is Saudi Arabia first.

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)

Source (2nacheki)

Attacks by the Rwanda-backed M23 have led to another wave of mass displacement in the province of North Kivu. The rebel group has tried to make advances towards the provincial capital of Goma, attacking the town of Sake which lies just 25 kilometers away.

Tens of Thousands Forced to Flee Democratic Republic of Congo as US/Rwanda-Supported M23 Attacks Intensify (+Coltan)


CONGRESS: Do Not Allow Our Tax Dollars To Fund Conflict In The Congo!

Jewish New Yorkers occupy Statue of Liberty to demand Gaza ceasefire + Protesters block US military ship allegedly carrying weapons for Israel

Protestors unfurled banners reading ‘The whole world is watching’ and ‘Palestinians should be free’ at the base of the landmark. [Stephanie Keith/Getty Images via AFP]

Activists from Jewish Voice for Peace group unfurl banners reading ‘Palestinians should be free’ at the base of New York landmark.

Jewish New Yorkers occupy Statue of Liberty to demand Gaza ceasefire


Protesters block US military ship allegedly carrying weapons for Israel

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers

from the never-even-bothering-to-ask,-are-we-the-baddies? dept

Thu, Oct 12th 2023 04:13pm – Tim Cushing

As we’re all painfully aware by now, former Israeli intelligence analysts are capable of producing private sector malware companies faster than the CIA can produce successful coups.

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers


Investigation: How Israeli Spyware Was Sold to Egypt and Pitched to Qatar and Saudi Arabia

Robbers ‘Loot’ Russian Missiles Left Behind In Chernihiv; Ukrainian Police Bust Bizarre Theft, Arrest Culprits

Robbers ‘Loot’ Russian Missiles Left Behind In Chernihiv; Ukrainian Police Bust Bizarre Theft, Arrest Culprits

Tor is a short-range, all-weather, low to medium-range surface-to-air missile system deployed in Ukraine. Both combatants have used the weapon system and its various upgraded and modernized variants in the ongoing war. Ukrainian forces destroyed several Russian Tor air defense systems throughout the war.

This is the second time in a week that such bizarre theft has come to light. Earlier this week, the National Police in Kyiv had disclosed the seizure of weapons and detained a man who they claim had “a significant amount” of arms hidden in an apartment and a garage.

Controversy has unfolded in Ukraine regarding criminals and arms traffickers stealing weaponry sent from Western equipment stock meant for the Ukrainian troops that are perpetually in need of armed support, whether Western or Soviet-origin arms, to fight against the Russians.

According to a Defense Department inspector general report* that came to light in July this year, criminals, volunteer fighters, and arms traffickers took some Western-provided weaponry and equipment meant for Ukrainian troops last year before it was found.


*The DoD’s Accountability of Equipment Provided to Ukraine (DODIG-2023-002)

Stolen Surface-To-Air Missiles Found In Kyiv Garage

Oversight Report Finds Several Federal Agencies Are Still Using Clearview’s Facial Recognition Tech

from the look,-we-honestly-thought-no-one-would-keep-asking-questions dept
Thu, Sep 28th 2023 10:41am – Tim Cushing

Two years ago, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its initial review of federal use of facial recognition tech. That report found that at least half of the 20 agencies examined were using Clearview’s controversial facial recognition tech.

Oversight Report Finds Several Federal Agencies Are Still Using Clearview’s Facial Recognition Tech

“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders

“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders


In Ukraine, American taxpayers funding more than just the military

DFC CEO Travels to Kyiv in Show of Unwavering Support and Makes Several Announcements to Catalyze $1 Billion in Private Sector Engagement

Lindsey Graham is such a psychopath!

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


Serhiy Pashinsky, a controversial figure with ties to the 2014 Euromaidan Protests, has seen his company, Ukrainian Armoured Technology, experience a massive increase in arms sales profits, driven by European aid and war contracts. Accusations link him to violence during the protests, but these remain uninvestigated due to fears of reprisals. Western powers have largely avoided addressing the allegations to maintain Ukraine’s image and not validate Russian narratives. Pashinsky’s case highlights the complex relationships between Ukrainian oligarchs, the West, and the ongoing conflict. Watch the video to know more.

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


The Man Who Triggered Ukraine’s Downfall is Now 12,500% Richer

Zelensky Called Him a Criminal. Now Ukraine Calls Him for Guns and Ammo.