How the Philippines ‘covertly’ reinforced the BRP Sierra Madre


China reveals Philippine Personnel secretly resupplying BRP Sierra Madre by posing as Fishermen

Personally, I think that these “Secret” Operations are being done by the Naval Special Operations Command (NAVSOCOM) of the Philippine Navy (PN) as this seems to fall under their Area of Responsibility.

Remember that the NAVSOCOM Troops were also the ones that were involved in an Altercation with the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) earlier this Month.

PH NAVSOCOM trains with the U.S. Navy SEALs:

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Philippine ruling elite whips up anti-China campaign to justify alignment with US war plans

As the United States steps up its campaign to provoke China into war, the Philippines has lined up behind Washington, increasingly transforming the country into a lead attack dog in the region for American imperialism. Seeking to obscure the fact that the country has now been placed on the front lines of a catastrophic conflict, the Philippine ruling elite is demonizing China and people of Chinese ethnicity with absurd and lurid claims that Beijing is infiltrating spies into the country.

Philippine ruling elite whips up anti-China campaign to justify alignment with US war plans

Philippine Sailor Severely Injured, Vessels Damaged as Chinese Block South China Sea Mission + Notes


It was the Philippines that rammed the CCG!* US-funded Rappler** doesn’t mention the other soldiers who were injured.

Philippine Sailor Severely Injured, Vessels Damaged as Chinese Block South China Sea Mission

Meanwhile, a Philippine government release from the National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea stated that ships from the People’s Liberation Army Navy, China Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia performed “dangerous maneuvers.” However, there is no mention of injury to Philippine personnel in the release. The statement also claimed that Chinese forces rammed and towed Philippine vessels, although it’s unclear to what extent the latter occurred during the incident. This is the first reported instance of China towing – defined as pulling, pushing or hauling – Philippine vessels in their South China Sea disputes.


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Beijing has ‘a lot of legal weapons’ to challenge Manila’s claims in South China Sea, international law expert says

Beijing still has plenty of countermeasures it could use against Manila if tensions between the two countries continue to escalate in the South China Sea, according to a seasoned legal expert who specialises in the region.

Beijing has ‘a lot of legal weapons’ to challenge Manila’s claims in South China Sea, international law expert says