Democrats Beg for Calm in Chicago Over Escalating Israel-Hamas Protests

CHICAGO — Chicago has long been held up by Democrats as a blend of diversity, progressive policies and a union stronghold, which made it a natural host city for the party’s 2024 presidential nominating convention. But escalating tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas are disrupting the city and dividing Democrats as they prepare to show unity in nominating the president to a second term next summer.

Israel-Hamas protests disrupt life in Democrats’ convention city


The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

Tweet from Abed A. Ayoub, the national executive director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

By Chip Gibbons / The Dissenter

Israel’s war on the besieged Gaza Strip has entered its sixth day. The Israeli military has launched a massive bombardment with airstrikes killing over 1,000 Palestinians.

The FBI’s Material Support for Israeli Apartheid Against Palestinians

We’re Seeing the Calamitous Cost of Ignoring Palestine

New Republic

The Biden administration thought the Palestine question could be downplayed in pursuit of other objectives. And here we are.

Twenty-six. That is the number of times Wadea Al Fayoume, a Palestinian American child living in the Chicago area, was stabbed in a murderous rampage committed by his landlord. The picture of Wadea in a birthday hat that has gone viral since the attack that killed him and severely injured his mother was taken eight days earlier, when he turned 6.

We’re Seeing the Calamitous Cost of Ignoring Palestine

‘I will never vote Biden’: Some Muslim Americans in a key swing state feel betrayed by the president

Muslim and Arab-Americans say their support was critical to Biden’s win in Michigan. Some warn they won’t back him again over his blanket support for Israel.

‘I will never vote Biden’: Some Muslim Americans in a key swing state feel betrayed by the president

Biden’s going to lose, but it’s not going to matter if he gets us nuked before the election!