Chinese Billionaire Is Waging Harassment Campaigns, Targets Include Biden’s Son

Chinese Billionaire Is Waging Harassment Campaigns, Targets Include Biden’s Son

Guo portrays himself as a martyr to the democracy cause, claiming Chinese authorities jailed him and fatally shot his brother. It’s difficult to confirm his claims, but we can confirm that Guo faces bribery and rape charges back in China, and investors in his property deals have sued him for breach of contract. Guo’s biggest real estate project was the Pangu Plaza skyscraper in Beijing.

Steve Bannon, the War of the Chinese Billionaires, and the FBI

Steve Bannon, the War of the Chinese Billionaires, and the FBI (Archived).

The Central Cast Of Guo’s $100 Million The Rule Of Law Foundation (Source).

It was Bannon who introduced Guo to hedge fund millionaire Kyle Bass, who is currently under SEC investigation for making false and misleading statements about United Development Funding (13), one of the companies Bass has a made a fortune from short selling. Bass went on to join the boards of the Rule of Law Foundation, GNews and G-TV, where quack theories like the COVID-19 virus being created in a Chinese laboratory were promoted (14).


Bannon Still Faces Another Probe Separate From Border Wall Scheme