NED/CIA Calls for Even More Sanctions on Myanmar + More

Myanmar’s pro-democracy forces can win. They need our help to do so.

Nov. 8 marked the third anniversary of elections in Myanmar, whose results were overturned by a military coup on Feb. 1, 2021. The coup set in motion some of the largest, most diverse protests in the country’s history, which subsequently led to a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy activists. Today, the junta is prosecuting [waging] a war of terror [see video], marked by airstrikes against civilians, the blocking of humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable, and the arrests of thousands of political prisoners.

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Sean Turnell’s Vandalism in Myanmar

10-06-2022: If we were to believe the corporate media, Australian academic Sean Turnell is an innocent political prisoner being detained by an illegitimate and tyrannical military junta which reversed democratic elections in Myanmar. Like much other reporting from the West following a fraudulent pandemic and gathering international war clouds, this story contains not an iota of truth. The Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) had no choice but to assume control in February 2021 after it became impossible for any party in Myanmar to win an election apart from the US and UK government created National League for Democracy (NLD). Alongside billionaire anti-socialist regime change magnate George Soros, Anglo/US imperialism has waged a subversive decades long sabotage campaign in Myanmar, as part of an incendiary proxy war against both Myanmar’s independence and neighbouring Red China. Sean Turnell was arrested at a hotel in Yangon five days after the February 2021 “election”, while waiting for a car to take him to the city’s international airport. Like a rat deserting a sinking ship, Turnell was clearly planning to flee the country he was supposedly devoted to “assisting”.

Sean Turnell’s Vandalism in Myanmar

Belarus opposition leader says her people ‘are ready to fight for our country’

Speaking to DW, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said she believed that a Russia weakened by the Ukraine war offers pro-democracy Belarusians an opportunity – as long as the international community does not abandon them.Belarus’ opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya fled to Lithuania after Russian ally Alexander Lukashenko claimed victory in a disputed 2020 election that was viewed in the West as fraudulent, and which many thought she won.

Belarus opposition leader says her people ‘are ready to fight for our country’


Belarus Targeted for Regime Change…Again

US Writes Belarus into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script

How U.S. and UK Information-Warfare Fronts Ignited Anti-Government Protests in Belarus

United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus = parallel government. – #198 from Gene Sharp’s “198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION”

US-backed Proxy War Against China Rages in Myanmar

Aug 31, 2022 – The US government through one of its organizations, the US Institute of Peace, has recently called for more aid to opposition groups fighting the central government of Myanmar.

What is the rest of the story and why has the US invested billions over decades to interfere in Myanmar’s internal political affairs. Are we watching another case of US interference as part of a wider proxy war – this time instead of Russia, against China?

US-backed Proxy War Against China Rages in Myanmar (Odysee) via The New Atlas
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U.S., allies may be planning Ukraine proxy war model for Myanmar

U.S., allies may be planning Ukraine proxy war model for Myanmar


The militias are mostly lightly armed, using rudimentary rifles and homemade explosives to fight the well-equipped military, which has been accused by the United Nations of using heavy weapons and air strikes against civilian populations.

Myanmar resistance urges West to provide arms for fight against junta


Myanmar Violence: a Slow Burn US Proxy War

US Regime Change Creeps Forward in Myanmar

U.S. State Dept. No.2 Sherman speaks with Myanmar shadow government + Reuters, UK Gov, & BBC Prepare Ground for Myanmar Intervention

A U.S.-ASEAN summit—a face or a farce