Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities against the people of the region. The coup overthrew Ukraine’s elected president and legislature. It sparked rebellion in Crimea, Donbass (Lugansk and Donetsk), and in towns and cities in other regions of eastern and southern Ukraine.

Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

A group of US representatives call for an end to the Monroe Doctrine and interventionism in Latin America

Two centuries after the speech that inaugurated the United States’ policy toward the region, five Democratic lawmakers call for an end to the Cuban embargo and the declassification of secret CIA files, as well as reforms to the IMF and the OAS

A group of US representatives call for an end to the Monroe Doctrine and interventionism in Latin America

Doubtful that this will ever happen.


Why Is the Biden Administration Rewarding Elliott Abrams?

Why Is the Biden Administration Rewarding Elliott Abrams?

The United States owes other nations something different, something new. Democracy is in peril at home and abroad partly because of the impunity that keeps Abrams employed. Though his latest role may be somewhat ceremonial, his appointment is out of step with the demands of our time. There should be consequences for someone like Elliott Abrams. At minimum, it ought to be possible to fail out of public service, but for that to happen, we have to change the way we define failure. The massacre in El Mozote was one such failing — not a regrettable historical footnote but a catastrophic atrocity that indicts the administration Abrams served. His reward must be ignominy. The world deserves nothing less.


Biden Nominates Elliott Abrams to Public Diplomacy Commission

Gov. Phil Scott signs bill that prohibits paramilitary training camps

Gov. Phil Scott signs bill that prohibits paramilitary training camps

“It’s difficult to see any Second Amendment issue here,” Chris Bradley, a gun rights lobbyist and president of the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, told senators while testifying about the bill in February.

The law explicitly states that it does not cover law enforcement activity; lawful instruction of military science at educational institutions; and facilities and programs intended to teach the safe handling of firearms and lawful sports and activities, such as hunting, target shooting, self defense and firearms collection.

Activities that are “undertaken without knowledge of or intent to cause or further a civil disorder that is intended to teach or practice self-defense or self defense techniques, including karate clubs, self-defense clinics, and similar lawful activity” are also not affected by the law, according to its text.

Expecting more Second Amendment advocates to cover this without doing any research on the background of the case. The guy was a violent felon, with a mental disorder, who wasn’t even supposed to even own firearms.


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