Canadian MPs unanimously reject China’s sovereignty over Tibet

I wonder who gave them this idea? /s

Canadian parliamentarians have unanimously voted for a non-binding motion, put forward by Bloc Québécois MP Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe, that refers to Tibetans as “a people and a nation” who should get self-determination. This, having occurred on June 10, 2024, is a fundamental rejection of China’s sovereign control of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and an indisputable attack on China’s sovereignty.

Canadian MPs unanimously reject China’s sovereignty over Tibet


US lawmakers pass Tibet policy bill that questions China’s claims over region

Flashback: Chrystia Freeland Whitewashing Nazi Collaborators in 2008

Ukraine rifles its history for heroes

But history may matter more to you if it has been rough, as Ukraine’s has. As Viktor Yushchenko, the president whose path to power included a disfiguring attempt on his life, told the Canadian parliament last month, Ukraine has declared independence six times in the past 90 years. His job, he said, was to make sure the most recent declaration, in 1991, was the last one. Even the national anthem takes a bleak view. Its first line is: “Ukraine has not yet died.”

Yaroslav the Wise, the 11th-century prince of Kievan Rus, was named the winner in a last-minute surge, edging out western Ukrainian partisan leader Stepan Bandera, who led a guerrilla war against the Nazis and the Soviets and was poisoned on orders from Moscow in 1959. When the programme’s editor cried foul, alleging that Yaroslav’s backers had flooded the show with computerised phone-in votes, the story suddenly became irresistible abroad. After all, stuffed ballot boxes have figured prominently in recent Ukrainian politics, sparking the 2004 orange revolution.

The contretemps is being framed as yet another example of the divide between western and eastern Ukraine, where the Soviet portrayal of Bandera as a traitor still lingers. That would be a mistake. The real story of Ukraine is the astonishing rapprochement between east and west, which began in 1991 and accelerated after 2004, when big business decided it paid to buy into independence.


Did Yushchenko Poison Himself?

Canada’s Secret Role in Ukraine (Orange Revolution)

Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

Canadian statistics on government sponsored suicide mark cause of death as ailment patient suffered before they were euthanized

Canada plans to hide its skyrocketing euthanasia deaths as a result of its Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program by listing fatalities on the basis of “the disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events.”

Canadian statistics on government sponsored suicide mark cause of death as ailment patient suffered before they were euthanized

H/T: Redacted with Clayton Morris

Radhika Desai: Western Press Uses ‘Ankle-Biting Yappy Dog’ Pseudo-Academics to Silence Critics

A prominent Canadian academic has come under fire in the Canadian press for attending the Valdai Forum in Russia. She told Sputnik that the Western press uses government-funded “lapdog” academics to smear the reputations of those who criticize Western policies and highlight how they have discredited themselves.

Radhika Desai: Western Press Uses ‘Ankle-Biting Yappy Dog’ Pseudo-Academics to Silence Critics

Liberal alliances with Nazis produce inevitable blowback

NaziGate highlights Canadian ties to far-right Ukrainian nationalism, support for NATO and a long history of conflict with Russia. It should also shine a light on a foreign policy entangled with fascistic groups in many places. But politicians and media, as well as many on the left, have minimized the most salient points of NaziGate.

Liberal alliances with Nazis produce inevitable blowback


Canada: Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

Canada: Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial

Neo-Nazis and white nationalists have gone on a pilgrimage to an Ontario memorial to the Waffen SS Galicia division, the Ukrainian Nazi-led unit, after one of its veterans received a standing ovation in Parliament last month, prompting renewed calls for the monument to be torn down.

Neo-Nazis, white nationalists go on pilgrimage to Galicia Waffen-SS memorial


Active Club Network

Active Clubs are a nationwide network of localized white supremacist crews who are largely inspired by Robert Rundo’s white supremacist Rise Above Movement (R.A.M.)

“Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

*Short Version, in English: “Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

H/T: Nicolas Cinquini

Floor to the defence. Hunka comments on September 28. Brisk but resentful, the 98 year-old alt Kamerad complains that due to the Canadian and international outrage, he is forced to seek refuge with friends in South America.

History, on this day : Babi Yar, September 29, 1941

*Long Version, AI translation:

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How Canada emerged as a haven for Ukrainian SS “Galicia Division” veterans and other Nazi accomplices and war criminals

Aided by the corporate media, Canada’s political establishment is trying to claim that parliament’s honouring last Friday of the 98-year-old Nazi Waffen SS veteran Yaroslav Hunka was the result of an unfortunate gaffe—a gaffe for which the House of Commons Speaker, Anthony Rota, is exclusively responsible.

The World Socialist Web Site has already exposed this false narrative at length.

Here we are republishing an article that first appeared on the WSWS on July 29, 2019. It discusses how and why Ottawa threw open its doors to Hunka and some 2,000 Ukrainian SS veterans. As the article explains, this was part of a broader policy of providing a safe haven to the Nazis’ Ukrainian fascist allies, so as to use them to advance Canadian imperialism’s interests at home and abroad.

Working in concert with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), which had been founded at the government’s behest at the beginning of World War II, Ottawa used the Ukrainian fascists to combat left-wing influence among Canada’s large Ukrainian worker-farmer population and the labour movement more generally. The government also worked with the UCC to foment a rabidly anticommunist, virulently anti-Russian Ukrainian nationalism in collaboration with the CIA and British intelligence.

In recent decades, as Canada’s government under Liberals and Conservatives alike has worked with Washington and its NATO partners to harness Ukraine to NATO and the European Union, Ottawa’s alliance with the UCC and the Ukrainian far right has become an ever more important element of Canadian foreign policy.

A more extensive examination of the alliance between Canadian imperialism and the Ukrainian far right can be found in the May 2022 WSWS series “Canadian imperialism’s fascist friends,” including its fourth part: “How Ottawa provided the Ukrainian fascists refuge and incubated and promoted far-right Ukrainian nationalism.”

How Canada emerged as a haven for Ukrainian SS “Galicia Division” veterans and other Nazi accomplices and war criminals