Rant: WTF Happened?

Sometimes, I wonder WTF happened to some of the people that I used to follow. Did coronavirus rot their brains or something? I guess that I haven’t been paying much attention.

Caleb Maupin, who just three years ago interviewed a former Moonie and rightly pointed out the Moonies’ CIA connection (the video is now private, ‘coincidentally’). Maupin is now colluding with them to reunify the Korean Peninsula because he hates blue hair or something? Rainer Shea now endorses LaRouchites and MAGA Communists, who both have their own connections to US intelligence agencies. Tulsi Gabbard is turning into a right wing neoreactionary (although she was probably always a PsyOp). The whole thing reminds me of COINTELPRO, to be honest. Even if it’s not a COUNTELPRO op, MAGA Communism stinks like a cult.

The worst are the dolts who stick up for these people, when they’re homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic (not to mention the ‘Leftists’ who won’t stick up for the oppressed and need to grow a pair)! They’re just as bad as the MAGA Communists who think that Donald Trump is an Anti-Imperialist!

FYI, I was working on something else regarding the PatSocs for a future post. I’ve been going through some Marxist-Leninist writings (someone already did Mao) and statistics. While looking at statistics, I found that only 7.6% of Americans identity as LGBTQ+.


How it started: The Brahmins of Democracy: Communists vs. Patriotic Socialists

How it’s going: Drama: PatSocs, CPUSA, and Mao

Drama: PatSocs, CPUSA, and Mao


A Sad State of Affairs: The Decline of the Communist Party USA.

In fact, they have even gone so far as to attack with the most heinous and disgusting of lies the most prominent Communist in the country, who is one of the leading voices in the Palestinian solidarity movement, Jackson Hinkle, along with us and the rest of the new Communist movement that is quickly forming in our new era of revolutionary potential. And in doing this, they are materially aligning themselves with the forces of that genocide and Zionism.

Recently, the Party posted a rather telling article on its official website called “Against Patriotic SocialismYes, you read that correctly. The article, part of the pre-convention discussions (or, really, we should put “convention” in scare quotes, and the National Board knows why – maybe they can explain to the various clubs why that is, before we have to do so), which can be found on the Party’s main website, maliciously, falsely, and childishly attacks the most prominent Communists in the entire country, who have done more for the cause of class struggle in a single year than the Party has managed in 20. Hinkle alone has exposed millions of people not only to a more positive view of Communism and fought Zionism and imperialism at every turn, but even gone so far as to do what these so-called “old heads” thought impossible, and gotten people to reconsider their views on J.V. Stalin, the most lied about Communist in history. The Infrared Collective has created new slogans that have gotten parts of the working class the Party gave up on long ago to begin getting interested in Communism, and its slogans are featured in mainstream media frequently.

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A Final Word on “MAGA Communism” and Social Conservatism

Opportunism and foolishness have resulted in the latest example of U.S. decline, the concept of “MAGA Communism.” This absurdity is proof that a true socialist movement is badly needed.

A Final Word on “MAGA Communism” and Social Conservatism

Yes, it’s a thing! At least on Twitter and YouTube! Almost makes me want to open up a Twitter account just for laughs!

There’s so many other philanthrocapitalist organizations that need to be “destroyed” than just Open Society Foundations! Trump is also a war criminal for assassinating Qasem Soleimani, dropping the mother of all bombs on Afghanistan, eased restrictions on drone and air strikes, which resulted in more airstrikes than Obama, and so much more (no healthcare)!

Gross! He gives his sexual partners the same toothbrush!

The Sickness of the American Left and the Path to Recovery

By Danny Haiphong – Sep 2, 2022

Leftists in the United States are suffering from a propaganda-induced delirium. Revolutionary discipline can get us through the winter storm.

The Sickness of the American Left and the Path to Recovery

I’m pretty sure that he’s criticizing the PatSocs, such as Haz from Infrared, Jackson Hinkle, and Caleb Maupin (who’s embroiled in his own controversy). To me, Patriotic Socialism is just a gimmick to get Trump supporters to embrace their movement that they claim is Socialist (it’s not, it’s more like right-wing populism).