Is ‘Jewish supremacy’ translating into anti-Christian violence in Jerusalem?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is seen by many as largely a conflict between Israeli Jews and Arab Muslims. But the events of the last month in Jerusalem suggest a new element has emerged for those closely watching the situation. In the past few weeks, five anti-Christian violent incidents took place in Jerusalem at the hands of Jewish radicals, provoking the Franciscans who are custodians of the Christian holy sites in the city to issue a statement detailing some of these acts.

Is ‘Jewish supremacy’ translating into anti-Christian violence in Jerusalem?

Planned Jewish nationalist “flag march” is a festival of hate

Tamara Nassar, Electronic Intifada, May 29 2022

Thousands of Israeli Jewish nationalists intend on staging a major provocation in occupied East Jerusalem on 29 May, despite warnings from the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

The Jewish extremists plan to hold their annual “March of the Flags” on what they call Jerusalem Day, an Israeli-invented holiday celebrating its occupation and colonization of the city in 1967.

Planned Jewish nationalist “flag march” is a festival of hate