Senegal: Western Backed Colour Revolution Underway

26-02-2024: In early February, Senegal’s President Macky Sall postponed presidential elections for several months weeks before the planned election date of February 25, leading to protests across the West African nation. Opposition members of parliament who attempted to block a bill entrenching the delay were arrested as police fired tear gas at protestors outside.[1] By the evening, the bill which initially proposed a postponing of the elections until August 25 was amended to an even later date of December 15, which was passed by 105 members of parliament (MPs) in the 165 seat assembly.[2] In an interview with Associated Press (AP) President Macky Sall denied he was attempting to hold on to power by delaying the elections. He stated he was “..seeking for nothing except to leave a country in peace and stability….I am completely ready to pass the baton. I have always been programmed for that”.[3] While one might agree or disagree with the official positions of Macky Sall, he can scarcely be blamed for making moves to calm political conditions which have led to deadly riots in recent years.

Senegal: Western Backed Colour Revolution Underway

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

04-12-2023: If the West’s corporate media is anything to go by, popular pro-democracy groups in Myanmar have linked with ethnically based armed organisations in an attempt to restore civilian rule in the South-East Asian nation, which is bordered by Bangladesh and India to the west, Laos and Thailand to the east, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the north. Supposedly, the Tatmadaw (the military of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar) cancelled elections in February 2021, brought the military to political power, and then proceeded to wage war against all those who resisted the takeover. Of course, this narrative, like many spun in the corporate media of the West, is little but an elaborate fabrication. In reality, the ruling classes of the West, principally those of the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are engaged in yet another proxy war of regime change in Myanmar,[1] which is squarely aimed not only at Naypyidaw, but also against its giant northern neighbour and economic and political partner, the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

US Primes the Philippines for War on the People’s Republic of China

20-11-2023: In a short space of time, the Philippines has been transformed from a friendly neighbour of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), to one which is being pushed in the direction of a hostile adversary. The election of President Ferdinand “Bong Bong” Marcos Jr has been the catalyst for the tilt towards the US hegemon and away from an ally of the PRC and of the Russian Federation, which was cultivated by the former Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte. In fact, it is potentially much worse than just a shift in foreign policy. As The New Atlas points out, the Republic of the Philippines is being shaped into being South-East Asia’s “Ukraine” – a hapless Nazified proxy of US imperialism destroying itself in a failed war on Russia.[1] However, this rapid about turn is not being implemented in the Philippines without opposition, seemingly from such allies of the former President Duterte as current Vice President Sara Duterte (the daughter of Rodrigo Duterte) and former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. While it is the case that Rodrigo Duterte and Sara Duterte have not always been side by side in politics, it does appear as though the Philippine elite are dividing on the pro-US course of Marcos Jr.

US Primes the Philippines for War on the People’s Republic of China

Iran: The West Prepares Yet Another Regime Change War

13-11-2023: In what seems to be rather convenient, a war between the Israeli state and Palestine has broken out, in response to the indiscriminate terrorist acts of Hamas on October 7. It comes just at the time when the NATO armed Nazified forces in Ukraine had come to a standstill with a completely failed “offensive” in which the Western proxies reportedly lost 90 000 servicemen dead, 600 destroyed tanks and around 1900 armoured vehicles.[1] Following on from a fraudulent “Covid pandemic”, and NATO’s blundering proxy war against Russia, “all of a sudden” the Israel/Palestine issue has taken the headlines. Yet this latest scenario, which has reportedly taken around 9000 Palestinian lives[2] alongside around 1300 Israeli lives[3] is arguably one more deadly ploy to provide cover for another catastrophe – a US led war for regime change on the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). In what appears as a grotesque bait and switch, Washington and its imperialist allies have set off a powder keg situation backed by 75 years of injustice against Palestine as a foil for Wall Street to finally be given an excuse to topple the Iranian revolution which has been a thorn in their side since 1979.

Iran: The West Prepares Yet Another Regime Change War


The WSWS, Iran’s economy, the Basij & Revolutionary Shi’ism: an 11-part series (archived)

Pakistan lurches to dictatorial rule as authorities launch vendetta against Imran Khan and supporters of his Islamic populist PTI

The long simmering political crisis in Pakistan is now boiling over. Terrified that the campaign of ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan for immediate new elections could inadvertently precipitate an explosion of mass working class anger against brutal IMF-dictated austerity, soaring food prices and mass joblessness, the government and military are resorting to dictatorial forms of rule.

Pakistan lurches to dictatorial rule as authorities launch vendetta against Imran Khan and supporters of his Islamic populist PTI


PTI leader, US envoy hold meeting at home

A despot in disguise: one man’s mission to rip up democracy

Buchanan’s programme is a prescription for totalitarian capitalism. And his disciples have only begun to implement it. But at least, thanks to MacLean’s discoveries, we can now apprehend the agenda. One of the first rules of politics is, know your enemy. We’re getting there.
— Read on

Murray Rothbard, at the Cato Institute that Koch founded, had urged the billionaire to study Lenin’s techniques and apply them to the libertarian cause.

Lenin, not Stalin. Grover Furr is one to read about Stalin. I haven’t looked into Lenin, extensively, though.