Evidence mounts for use of banned mines by Ukrainian forces, rights group says

Ukrainian forces appear to have used rockets to scatter stacks of internationally banned, hand-size antipersonnel land mines over Russian-occupied areas in eastern Ukraine, according to evidence collected by Human Rights Watch.

Evidence mounts for use of banned mines by Ukrainian forces, rights group says


Fact Check: Is Russia using butterfly mines in Ukraine?

The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk using banned ‘Petal’ mines

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians.

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians. But the Ukraine does not care. To them, it is Russian civilians and not humans. Shame on the West for staying quiet about this.

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians. via Skidmarks aka Briekmerke


Greek General Christou Accused Kyiv Of A Crime For Transferring Battles To Cities With Inhabitants



For several days the threat of the use of a dirty bomb or the destruction of the Kakhovka dam by Ukraine has caused an extremely dangerous rise in tension. By dint of letting Kyiv do whatever it wants, even the worst war crimes and terrorist acts, the West encourages Ukraine to continue playing with fire, at the risk of causing a disaster that would go beyond the country’s borders.


Stand by Ukraine’s anti-fascist resistance!

A very successful online meeting to mobilise international support for the Free the Kononovich Brothers campaign took place on Thursday 25th August, with 50 participants from Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the USA, England and Scotland. Organised by the London-based International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS), the seminar called for the release of the Kononovich brothers and all Ukrainian political prisoners, and for the restoration of all political and media freedoms.

Stand by Ukraine’s anti-fascist resistance!


A very successful International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS) online meeting was held on Thursday 25 August, with speakers from Ukraine, the USA and Russia, at which one of the key speakers was former Labour Party MP Chris Williamson. We are very pleased to publish his superb contribution here.

The Ukraine war – end the silence on the left

The Chris Hedges Report: Ukraine and the crisis of media censorship

Throughout the Ukraine war, Western news outlets have mindlessly parroted the opinions of a ruling elite and overseen a public discourse that is often unhinged from the real world.

Patrick Lawrence was a correspondent and columnist for nearly 30 years for the Far Eastern Economic Review, the International Herald Tribune and The New Yorker. He is the author of Somebody Else’s Century: East and West in a Post-Western World and Time No Longer: America After the American Century.

The Chris Hedges Report: Ukraine and the crisis of media censorship via The Real News Network


The war in Ukraine has exacerbated the loss of credibility within the western press, inflicting, journalist Patrick Lawrence argues, irreparable damage.

The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Patrick Lawrence Examines How the Western Press Has Become a Propaganda Tool of the War Industry and Ukrainian Government

More Ukrainian War Crimes: Killing & Maiming Heroic Donbass Medics & Emergency Workers

Sep 2, 2022 Ukraine has committed untold numbers of war crimes in its over eight years of bombing the civilians of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, including routinely targeting ambulances, fire trucks, medics, rescuers, and their headquarters and stations. Many of the times Ukraine bombs such heroic rescuers, it is when they are on the way, or already on site, to help civilians often themselves also just bombed by Ukraine.

Early morning September 1, Ukraine targeted DPR Emergency Services in the village of Rubtsy, Krasnolymansky district, killing 13 personnel and wounding 9 more. (Telegram link)

Targeting medics and other rescuers is a typical, criminal, policy of the aggressor, to ensure those in need of help are deprived of it, to ensure that people who might have been rescued instead die of their injuries.

The intentional targeting of ambulances and other emergency services vehicles and workers is against international law.

More Ukrainian War Crimes: Killing & Maiming Heroic Donbass Medics & Emergency Workers via Eva K Bartlett


13 rescuers killed, nine wounded in shelling by Ukrainian forces in northern DPR

The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk using banned ‘Petal’ mines

On Saturday, July 30, just after 9pm, thunderous explosions rocked central Donetsk. Shortly after, there were announcements that air defense had shot down Ukrainian-fired missiles containing ‘butterfly‘ (or ‘petal‘) mines. Given that over 300 of these explosives are packed into each of the Ukrainian-fired rockets, central Donetsk could literally become a minefield if they successfully landed.

The West is silent as Ukraine targets civilians in Donetsk using banned ‘Petal’ mines

Who Killed the POWs at Yelenovka? All Signs on the Ground Point to a Ukrainian Attack

by Eva K Bartlett

It was extremely difficult to witness the charred and twisted remains of Ukrainian POWs in the Yelenovka detention center at first hand. The stench of death was overwhelming. Bodies remained in the ruins and melted into the metal bunk beds they were on at the time of the bombing.

Who Killed the POWs at Yelenovka? All Signs on the Ground Point to a Ukrainian Attack