Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF

A small, globe-trotting balloon declared “missing in action” by an Illinois-based hobbyist club on Feb. 15 has emerged as a candidate to explain one of the three mystery objects shot down by four heat-seeking missiles launched by U.S. Air Force fighters since Feb. 10.

The club—the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade (NIBBB)—is not pointing fingers yet.

Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF

U.S. Military Confirms Third UFO Shootdown in North American Skies in Recent Days

U.S. Military Confirms Third UFO Shootdown in North American Skies in Recent Days

This latest shootdown comes on the heels of a dramatic increase in UFO sightings all over the world, leading many to question what is really happening in our skies. The scientific community has taken notice, with leading experts conducting studies and investigations into the nature of these objects.

While some believe that these UFO’s could be advanced technology from other countries, others believe that they could be evidence of extraterrestrial life. Regardless of the explanation, the impact of these UFO’s on the world is undeniable. People are becoming more aware of the phenomenon and are starting to question what is really happening in our skies. Governments and militaries are also taking notice and taking steps to address the threat posed by these unknown objects.

How about not starting a war, here, on earth?! Source.


Forget China’s spy balloon; military UFO incidents are far more intriguing

For one, the balloon’s lumbering pace allowed U.S. officials to protect against the collection of sensitive information. Moreover, according to a U.S. official, “we were able to study and scrutinize the balloon and its equipment, which has been valuable.” Military and intelligence agencies may also have fed the balloon false information, rendering any data it collected worthless.

How search for UFOs helped lead US government to Chinese spy balloons

Amash’s Successor Peter Meijer: Trump’s Deceptions Are ‘Rankly Unfit’

Amash’s Successor Peter Meijer: Trump’s Deceptions Are ‘Rankly Unfit’

I was sitting in my office watching the speech that he was giving to the crowd, encouraging them to come to the Capitol, where he continued to talk about how this was a landslide election and that it was stolen from him. He believed that the outcome on November 3 could be reversed by Congress. And I talked to a number of folks who believed that. And they believed that because they were being told that, right? They were being lied to. They were being misled. Some of my colleagues in Congress, they share responsibility for that. Many of them were fundraising off of this Stop the Steal grift. I don’t understand how you can look in the mirror and go to sleep at night without that weighing on your conscience, I fundamentally do not. I’m just at a loss for words about how some of them have acted in ways that are just knowingly, provably false. And they know they’re lying too.