Act Now To Save Ukrainian Peace Activist From Prosecution

We’ve just learned that the office of the prosecutor and the “security service” of Ukraine have published press releases claiming to have put a stop to the activities of the “vicious Russian propagandist Yurii Sheliazhenko.

Act Now To Save Ukrainian Peace Activist From Prosecution


After apartment raid, Ukrainian pacifist believes targeting stems from Zelenskiy himself

American Spokesperson for Ukraine Sarah Ashton Cirillo Threatens to Assassinate Americans Over Ukraine War Dissent

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

American Progress, 1872.

The Louisiana Purchase is usually presented as an incredible, inspiring moment in American history in which President Thomas Jefferson, wise, benevolent eyes twinkling under his powdery white wig, made an incredibly shrewd real estate deal with notorious, disgraced French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and, with one stroke of his giant quill pen, doubled the size of the United States of America for the bargain price of $15 million, or just three cents an acre. What we don’t usually learn about is the negative domino effect this treaty had in terms of inspiring the concept of manifest destiny or the belief that white colonists had a God-given duty to expand across North America and redeem and remake the land in their own image.

The Messed Up Truth About The Louisiana Purchase

Former Moscow-linked Church claims religious persecution as security raids heat up

(CNN) — The vertically shot video published last November shows no weapons, battlefield atrocities or even soldiers. But the sound of a patriotic Russian song reverberating through a church on Kyiv’s famous Lavra monastery grounds seemed to open a new front in Ukraine’s war with Russia.

Former Moscow-linked Church claims religious persecution as security raids heat up


“Do not ban the UOC” petition appears on the Cabinet of Ministers’ website

Alzheimer’s latest drug and science journalism’s memory problem

In July, the medical community was rocked by a disappointing reminder of science’s weakest link: the humans doing the work. The journal Science had shared that its six-month investigation supported the findings of whistleblower Matthew Schrag, who first noted altered images in a high-impact paper on Alzheimer’s, published in Nature in 2006. That paper is still flagged on Nature as under review, but the damage has already been done. Alzheimer’s drugs for the last decade and a half have been developed around claims without as much evidence as initially believed—which might also explain why they haven’t been working, leading people to pour false hope into useless and often expensive treatment plans for declining loved ones.

Alzheimer’s latest drug and science journalism’s memory problem

Zelensky cracks down on popular news outlet as repressions against media intensify in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky says he has granted a petition demanding that the government take action against popular opposition news website

Zelensky cracks down on popular news outlet as repressions against media intensify in Ukraine


Zelensky instructed Danilov to deal with the blocking of the website Strana (Ukrainska Pravda)

Also, on 30 December 2021, the National Security and Defence Council made a decision to block access by internet providers to web resources/services located on the,,,,, and other domains and subdomains web resources/services that provide access to the portal, a web resource/service that is similar (identical) in terms of content, as well as restriction by electronic service providers (social network services) of access from the territory of Ukraine to content posted on web pages/ in the channels,,,

Western Media Continues to Ignore Ukraine is Using NATO Weapons to Kill Civilians in the Donbass

Eva Bartlett

On Monday, Ukraine slaughtered 16 civilians, including two children, with 155mm NATO shells, according to the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin. The projectiles hit two adjacent neighborhoods, decimating residential and commercial areas – including a market that had previously suffered fatal attacks.

Western Media Continues to Ignore Ukraine is Using NATO Weapons to Kill Civilians in the Donbass

US accused over huge ‘covert pro-Western’ digital campaign targeting Middle East

Dozens of social media accounts operating for years in an attempt to influence people in the Middle East and Asia have been shut down. Now a major new study believes the US is likely behind it

US accused over huge ‘covert pro-Western’ digital campaign targeting Middle East



Evaluating Five Years of Pro-Western Covert Influence Operations

The US government got caught using sock puppets to spread propaganda on social media

The data analyzed came from 146 Twitter accounts (which tweeted 299,566 times), 39 Facebook profiles, and 26 Instagram accounts, along with 16 Facebook pages and two Facebook groups. Some of the accounts were meant to appear like real people and used AI-generated profile pictures. Meta and Twitter didn’t specifically name any organizations or people behind the campaigns but said their analysis led them to believe they originated in the US and Great Britain.

For anyone who’s ever been within 15 feet of a history book, the news that the US is using covert action to push its interests in other countries won’t come as a surprise. It is, however, interesting that these operations were uncovered just as social media companies are gearing up to deal with a wave of foreign interference and misinformation in our own elections.

The report also comes right on the heels of a bombshell whistleblower report from Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, Twitter’s former head of security, which accused the company of lax security practices and misrepresenting the number of bots on its platform (something the US government is investigating and that Twitter has strongly denied).