Jeff Bezos Donates $120 Million to Fight Homelessness, Then Invests $500 Million to Make It Worse

Among the three richest people on the planet, mega-billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos received some praise last week for announcing approximately $120 million in donations to a number of groups fighting the scourge of homelessness in the United States

Jeff Bezos Donates $120 Million to Fight Homelessness, Then Invests $500 Million to Make It Worse

H/T: Unorthodox Truth

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

As many as 36 groups advocating free speech, the Free Speech Alliance, have turned to US Congress with a request to stop any further funding of NewsGuard.

Free Speech Groups Call on Congress To Block NewsGuard Funding

Previous NewsGuard posts (not necessarily conservative):

NewsGuard is very neutral. Its Board of Directors is secret, but its Advisory Board includes one of the co-founders of Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) as well as the former director of the CIA and the NSA (General Michael Hayden), the former Secretary General of NATO (Anders Fogh Rasmussen), the former Secretary for Homeland Security (Tom Ridge) or the former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy – i.e. Propaganda (Richard Stengel)

The EU, NATO, NewsGuard and the Voltaire Network (original)

Censorship: Donbass Insider in the Crosshairs of Newsguard, an Agency Linked to the CIA, NATO and the White House

Consortium News Sues NewsGuard, US Government For Alleged Defamation

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Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter, Greedo, Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’ + More

Juan Guaido was hired by Florida International University (FIU) to give a series of talks and mentor students. Guaido launched a coup attempt in Venezuela in 2019 but failed to gain any significant support within the country.

Former Venezuelan Coup Plotter Hired By Florida College to Speak on ‘Defending Democracy’


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó is teaching at FIU. But it’s only for a while

In April 2023, Guaidó said Colombian authorities threatened to turn him over to Maduro after entering the country for a forum about the Venezuelan crisis. The Biden administration helped Guaidó leave Colombia and come to Miami.

Two former Latin American presidents, a U.S. business leader and diplomat, and a European foreign minister named Senior Leadership Fellows at the FIU Adam Smith Center

Jamil Mahuad** [Fulbright Program, Harvard Kennedy School], president of Ecuador from 1998 to 2000.

Robin S. Bernstein*** [American University School of International Service, George Washington University School of Business]

Miomir Žužul [Harvard Kennedy School]

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Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push

He is better known for rallying global support for Ukraine, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday picked up another favorite tool of diplomacy — his guitar.

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push


Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the Launch of the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

LOL! YouTube even recently auto-generated a ‘topic’, for Blinken, although they’re all older videos. It’s no wonder that Michael McCaul approved, of it, as he introduced the PEACE Through Music Diplomacy Act. Interestingly, the band that Blinken played with is called the Coalition of the Willing. My bet is they use this as a way to implement color revolutions/regime changes!

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


Serhiy Pashinsky, a controversial figure with ties to the 2014 Euromaidan Protests, has seen his company, Ukrainian Armoured Technology, experience a massive increase in arms sales profits, driven by European aid and war contracts. Accusations link him to violence during the protests, but these remain uninvestigated due to fears of reprisals. Western powers have largely avoided addressing the allegations to maintain Ukraine’s image and not validate Russian narratives. Pashinsky’s case highlights the complex relationships between Ukrainian oligarchs, the West, and the ongoing conflict. Watch the video to know more.

The Man Who Profited from Ukraine’s Pain


The Man Who Triggered Ukraine’s Downfall is Now 12,500% Richer

Zelensky Called Him a Criminal. Now Ukraine Calls Him for Guns and Ammo.

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front.

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters


Conservative group launches campaign to push for GOP support for Ukraine