As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’

As US Aid Shipments Begin, Gaza Pier Denounced as ‘PR Move’


Hamas rejects US floating pier for Gaza aid as publicity stunt

U.S. Files Serial Numbers Off Missiles Sent To Israel

WASHINGTON—In an effort to ensure the munitions were completely untraceable, the U.S. military began filing the serial numbers off all missiles being sent to the Israeli government, anonymous sources within the Pentagon confirmed Friday. “In the wake of recent IDF operations in Rafah, we will no longer serve as arms supplier to Israel without first removing the serial numbers from rocket artillery,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reportedly told the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explaining that after assessing the situation, he and President Biden had agreed to pause shipments of high-payload munitions until the military could erase all evidence that they came from the United States. “We cannot in good conscience continue to enable a military campaign targeting innocent civilians in Gaza unless we’ve covered all our tracks. Tell your men and women that we have secured nearly 6 tons of steel wool that they are to use to sand down any identifying markers on missiles, ammunition, and tanks so we can confidently feign ignorance when the U.N. or the International Criminal Court comes around asking a bunch of questions. Be sure to scrape the little U.S. flags off the side, too—in fact, if there’s time, cover it with France’s or something. Then hit them all with a shammy to remove any fingerprints.” At press time, reports confirmed the armaments had arrived in Israel with no return address marked on the crates.

U.S. Files Serial Numbers Off Missiles Sent To Israel

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers

from the never-even-bothering-to-ask,-are-we-the-baddies? dept

Thu, Oct 12th 2023 04:13pm – Tim Cushing

As we’re all painfully aware by now, former Israeli intelligence analysts are capable of producing private sector malware companies faster than the CIA can produce successful coups.

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers


Investigation: How Israeli Spyware Was Sold to Egypt and Pitched to Qatar and Saudi Arabia

Matt Taibbi Flashback (9/11): CNN Sentences Palestine To Death

There was a candlelight vigil in East Jerusalem on the night of the 9/11 attacks, Yassir Arafat gave blood, schoolchildren around the country took part in moments of silence…

Instead, the media showed the same 30-second clip over and over… The obvious agenda was to rally its viewers around the very crudest response to the news: violence needed to be met with more violence and a political clampdown…

Probably no single film clip in recent history has had as much of an impact as the Palestine clip. Summing it up was Ehud Sprinzak, an Israeli expert on terrorism, quoted in Reuters referring to the clip: “From the perspective of Jews, it is the most important public relations act ever committed in our favor.”

Three additional reports below (two from German media):

By Matt Taibbi, reposted from eXile, September 20, 2001 [photos below added by IAK]

Matt Taibbi Flashback (9/11): CNN Sentences Palestine To Death