The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime

August 22, 2022 – By John & Nisha Whitehead

“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”—Harry Truman

With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi Germany’s playbook: Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies. Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture. Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination. Indefinite detention.

The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime

Biden Launches Divisive Attack On MAGA

Yesterday U.S. president Joe Biden held a speech in Pennsylvania in which he incited the public against those who want to Make America Great Again.

The optics were a bit scary, …

Biden Launches Divisive Attack On MAGA


New York Times: A Rematch of Biden v. Trump, Two Years Early

The immediate strategy is self-evident. Rather than a referendum on his own presidency, which has been hurt by high inflation and low public morale, Mr. Biden wants to make the election a choice between “normal” and an “extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” as he put it on Thursday.

Note that the ‘clear and present danger’ test was applied to Antiwar activists and Communists. The new McCarthyism is anyone against the status quo of war and neoliberalism, as seen by the recent smear campaigns, and blacklists of anyone challenging the Russia-Ukraine conflict narrative and the FBI raids on the Uhuru Movement/African Peoples’ Socialist Party.

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America Is Headed for Class Warfare + More

Nothing has revealed the class divide in the U.S. quite like runaway inflation and skyrocketing gas prices. But in addition to the economic impact the staggering incompetence of the Biden administration is having on the working class, there is a political one; it’s undeniably driving working class voters even further from the Democrats and toward the GOP.

America Is Headed for Class Warfare


“Workers aren’t getting bailed out like the billionaires”: Detroit workers livid over surging gas prices

“It’s just really hard to live”: Chicago workers describe impact of surging food and gas prices

Substack’s success shows readers have had enough of polarised media

Substack’s success shows readers have had enough of polarised media

Glenn Greenwald, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who in October resigned from The Intercept, the online media platform he co-founded, citing “repression, censorship and ideological homogeneity”, has between 20,000 and 40,000 paid subscribers to his newsletter, each contributing at least $5 a month. Once Substack has taken its standard 10 per cent cut, and after payment processing fees, I calculate that Greenwald is left with between $80,000 and $160,000 a month, or about $1m to $2m a year. Not bad for a mere hack.

“It’s a lot,” Greenwald tells me. “It’s obviously way more money than I’ve ever made in journalism before, or than I ever thought I would make.”

If only I could write, still.