Red Scared: Revising history at the Victims of Communism Museum

“THERE IS NO WAY he is a victim of communism,” my partner quips, pointing to a photo of the late Pope John Paul II. We are near the end of our visit to the new Victims of Communism Museum, standing in an elevator-size lobby with photographs of “victims” screen-printed all over the walls. Among the many victims and honorees: Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, the Dalai Lama, Romanian writer Herta Müller, Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong, and Hungarian neofascist Viktor Orbán.

Red Scared: Revising history at the Victims of Communism Museum (archived)

Ukraine Parliament Quotes Nazi Collaborator Stepan Bandera

“January 1 marks the 114th anniversary the birth of Stepan Bandera (1909-1959).
“When the people choose bread between bread and freedom, they eventually lose everything, including bread. If the people choose freedom, they will have bread grown by themselves and not taken away by anyone.” – Wikiquote

Ukraine Parliament Quotes Nazi Collaborator Stepan Bandera


Victory to Come When Russian Empire ‘Ceases to Exist’: Ukraine Parliament Quotes Nazi Collaborator

Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists?

Who knows the history of the Ukrainian “integral nationalists”, “Nazis” according to the terminology of the Kremlin? It begins during the First World War, continues during the Second, the Cold War and continues today in modern Ukraine. Many documents have been destroyed and modern Ukraine forbids under penalty of imprisonment to mention their crimes. The fact remains that these people massacred at least four million of their compatriots and conceived the architecture of the Final Solution, that is, the murder of millions of people because of their real or supposed membership in the Jewish or Gypsy communities of Europe.

Who are the Ukrainian integral nationalists?
The oath of loyalty to Führer Adolf Hitler by members of the OUN.
Machine translation by Yandex.



Nazism in eastern Europe (and the US)

Notes for self:

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America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington has used against Russia

By Tony Cox, a US journalist who has written and edited for Bloomberg and several major daily newspapers.

From pogrom-mongers to Hitlerites to radical Islamists, the US has collaborated with repugnant partners for more than a century

America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington has used against Russia (Alternative source)

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?

The New York Times recently reported that Washington is promoting Canada’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, as its “prime candidate” to succeed Jens Stoltenberg as NATO secretary-general when the Norwegian’s term expires in September 2023.

Who is Chrystia Freeland, Washington’s “prime candidate” for NATO Secretary-General?


Canadian Foreign Minister Scapegoats Russian Hackers for Exposing Nazi Grandfather

Seems appropriate to me, considering that there have been Nazis in the NATO leadership, previously.

Flash : the West acknowledges that the denazification of Ukraine is a necessity

At the United Nations, on November 4, 2022, the Third Committee (social, humanitarian and cultural) approves eight draft resolutions. One is against

the glorification of the Nazi movement, neo-Nazism and former members of the Waffen SS organization, including by erecting monuments and holding public demonstrations in glorification of the Nazi past

Flash : the West acknowledges that the denazification of Ukraine is a necessity


52 Countries Vote Against UN Resolution Combating the Glorification of Nazism

Meanwhile, Biden calls Trump and ‘Maga Republicans’ a threat to democracy 🤡