Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities against the people of the region. The coup overthrew Ukraine’s elected president and legislature. It sparked rebellion in Crimea, Donbass (Lugansk and Donetsk), and in towns and cities in other regions of eastern and southern Ukraine.

Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

Persecution of media, bans, Nazi symbols: Ukraine abolishes human rights

This was also recognized by the US State Department.

At the end of April, Ukraine submitted an application to the Council of Europe for a partial suspension of certain clauses of the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms in the country due to martial law. Ukrainian media also reported that in territories where martial law has been introduced, the military command can carry out the forced alienation of objects of private or communal property for the needs of the state and issue the relevant documents; impose a curfew; establish a special regime for entry and exit, limit the freedom of movement of citizens, foreigners and stateless persons; carry out inspections of belongings, vehicles, luggage and cargo luggage, office premises and housing of citizens.

Persecution of media, bans, Nazi symbols: Ukraine abolishes human rights


Ukraine updates its exemptions from the European Convention on Human Rights

Stand by Ukraine’s anti-fascist resistance!

A very successful online meeting to mobilise international support for the Free the Kononovich Brothers campaign took place on Thursday 25th August, with 50 participants from Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the USA, England and Scotland. Organised by the London-based International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS), the seminar called for the release of the Kononovich brothers and all Ukrainian political prisoners, and for the restoration of all political and media freedoms.

Stand by Ukraine’s anti-fascist resistance!


A very successful International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity campaign (IUAFS) online meeting was held on Thursday 25 August, with speakers from Ukraine, the USA and Russia, at which one of the key speakers was former Labour Party MP Chris Williamson. We are very pleased to publish his superb contribution here.

The Ukraine war – end the silence on the left