Armenia is pivoting to the West + More



This claim that Azerbaijan is establishing itself under the autocractic influence of Russia explains most of the perception managing narrative presented via the media lately.

Armenia is pivoting to the West, it’s time for Europe to step up


‘Armenia is pivoting to the West. It’s time for Europe to step up’

For the past year, I have been working with and advising the Armenian government on their efforts to strengthen their democracy and promote peace in the South Caucasus. This is something I believe deeply in. That is why I launched the independent Friends of Armenia Network – a high-level group that includes former prime ministers, European commissioners, ministers, and sitting parliamentarians. In a report published on March 27, we proposed a detailed approach that the European Union should take to help make Armenia’s Western, democratic trajectory irreversible.

– Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Rasmussen Global: Anders Fogh Rasmussen launches high-level group to support democratic Armenia

Rasmussen’s Report: Deepening EU-Armenia relations: More Europe in Armenia

“Friends of Armenia” turned out to be crooks, schemers and chumps

Russia MFA: Friends of Armenia Network report objective is to tear Armenia from Russia, EAEU

USAID: U.S. Enhances Support For Armenia At The U.S.-EU High-Level Meeting

2002: Divided They Conquer: Armenian Ethnic Lobbies in the United States (Most are still active) – H/T: Penny2

Regime Change Continues: Thousands Rally in Georgia’s Tbilisi Against Government

Thousands of opposition supporters rallied Sunday in the Georgian capital Tbilisi as the Black Sea nation’s government faces mounting accusations of backsliding on democracy.

Demonstrators gathered outside the Georgian parliament for a rally organized by the country’s main opposition force, the United National Movement (UNM), founded by jailed ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Protesters waved Georgian, Ukrainian and European Union flags and held a huge banner that read “For European future.”

Thousands Rally in Georgia’s Tbilisi Against Government


Regime change proceeds: State Departments sanctions Georgian judges, assassinations feared next

Daily pictures: Maidan 2.0 in Georgia?

Since March 7, 2023, a few thousands protestors are confronting the police in front of the parliament in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. They are demanding the removal from the parliament of a new draft law and against Russia, the Euro-Atlantic integration of the country. The law would require all organizations that receive more than 20% of their funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. The targets are indeed the groups that the US and the European Union are sponsoring, in order to demand the Euro-Atlantic integration. The scenography of the demonstration reminds the previous West-inspired color revolutions in Eurasia since 2003. Because as usual, the movement is not democratic, possibly revolutionary or neither, would not emancipate the people nor maintain independence of the country.

Daily pictures : Maidan 2.0 in Georgia ?

Audio via Don DeBar


Georgian Government Warns of Imminent Color Revolution to Pull Country into Ukraine War

Ultimatum: Western operatives give Georgian parliament one hour to withdraw bill

EU/US Threatens Serbia to Sanction Russia

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said tonight that he was afraid that no one wanted to talk about the context, the circumstances and what Serbia is really facing when referring to the Franco-German plan for Kosovo and Metohija.

Vučić: I am worried; “They are looking for a conflict”


US to support Serbia amid tensions with Kosovo if Belgrade joins Russian sanctions

But Washington is ready to offer Belgrade economic and diplomatic support on the condition that Serbia joins Western allies in sanctions against Russia.

If Serbia fully participates with the West then Washington and Brussels may ask Kosovo to meet Serbia’s demand in granting Serbs the right to live in Northern Kosovo. [Community of Serb Municipalities]

Western Envoys Feel ‘Encouraged’ by Kosovo, Serbia Visits