Babies die, patients shot as Israel besieges hospitals in Gaza’s north


Israel has besieged hospitals in the northern half of the Gaza Strip since Thursday.

Medical facilities have been “under relentless bombardment” for the past 24 hours, Doctors Without Borders said on Saturday.

Babies die, patients shot as Israel besieges hospitals in Gaza’s north


EU Pleased Sanctions Cause Food, Medicine Shortages in Niger, Special Envoy Says

ROME (Sputnik) – On July 30, in response to a fresh coup in Niger, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) suspended all financial aid, froze rebels’ assets and imposed a ban on commercial flights to and from the country, as well as closed all borders. Nigeria, Niger’s southern neighbor, cut electricity supply to the nation.

EU Pleased Sanctions Cause Food, Medicine Shortages in Niger, Special Envoy Says

Video via Wongel Zelalem

Quake Response in Syria Faces Obstacles, Says Top U.N. Aid Official

BEIRUT (Reuters) – A top U.N. humanitarian official said damage to roads, fuel shortages and harsh winter weather in Syria were hampering the agency’s response to an earthquake on Monday that killed more than 1,200 in the country and left millions in need of aid.

Quake Response in Syria Faces Obstacles, Says Top U.N. Aid Official


Western selective humanitarianism, Syria earthquake falls on deaf ears

Bakhmut is the blackest point of the Ukrainian war. Up to 400 Ukrainian soldiers [+ 90 Russian soldiers] a day are being killed

Maria Senovilla: “Bakhmut is the blackest point of the Ukrainian war. Up to 400 Ukrainian soldiers a day are being killed”

Yes, we have to look to the Donbas because Bakhmut is precisely the blackest point of the war in Ukraine. This week, both the Institute for the Study of War, which is a prestigious American think tank, and other international thin tanks, have agreed that up to 400 Ukrainian soldiers a day are being killed and wounded in Bakhmut.


Invaders Lose 90 People Killed And 100 Wounded Around Bakhmut During Day – AFU Eastern Group

Strikes & protests in France (and demonstrations in the US)

Strikes grow as Macron postpones threat to crush French refinery strike


French left-wing parties gather protesters to march in Paris, as refinery strikes persist

The French call for NATO exit

MSM was all over the cost of living protests but nothing about the Anti-NATO protests. Videos have emerged of police repression in Paris (at which protest, I’m unsure). Meanwhile, in the US, the Poor People’s Campaign, and allies, held multiple demonstrations to get out the vote (which were mainly covered by local news).