Ukraine Detains Socialist Writer, Bans World Socialist Web Site | Russia Formally Charges WSJ Journalist with Spying for the CIA

Ukraine Detains Socialist Writer, Bans World Socialist Web Site | Russia Formally Charges WSJ Journalist with Spying for the CIA

At least Ukraine doesn’t discriminate, when it comes to detaining writers.

It should be noted that similar jailings are taking place in Russia, with some hitting close to home. This past December, Russians arrested Boris Kagarlitsky, a longtime Moscow Times contributor who was the main writer on the “Russian Dissent” Substack sponsored by this site. Boris, a socialist himself but not connected in any way to the WSWS, was denounced as an “inoagent” (a foreign agent) and given a five year sentence, which Russian authorities called “excessively lenient.” The case is one of the more absurd in the history of speech offenses. Kagarlitsky was initially accused of making light of a 2022 explosion on the Krimsky Bridge linking Russia to Crimea, thanks to a video titled “Explosive Congratulations to the Cat Mostik,” sarcastically putting a cat in the frame for the blast. The Russian news agency TASS noted Kagarlitsky’s “negative attitude toward authorities,” and Boris remains in prison. We’re trying to get more information about his status.

Mostik isn’t just any cat! Mostik = Bridge. Mostik is the mascot of the Crimean Bridge. Petty criticism, maybe. Anyway, I’m not surprised that the West is ignoring anyone detained in Ukraine for speech issues while screeching about ‘freedom of the press’ and ‘human rights’ in Russia.


Мостик Кот – Mostik the Cat

Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

April 2014 was a pivotal month for the people of the Donbass region in what was then still part of Ukraine. It was then that the governing regime was newly installed in Kiev by a coup d’état on February 20/21embarked on military hostilities against the people of the region. The coup overthrew Ukraine’s elected president and legislature. It sparked rebellion in Crimea, Donbass (Lugansk and Donetsk), and in towns and cities in other regions of eastern and southern Ukraine.

Anti-Coup Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine Completes 10 Years as Russian Forces Continue Advancing in Donetsk

To Be Updated: USAID is sponsoring YouTube channels

How Democracy Can Win: The Right Way to Counter Autocracy

The most important step the United States can take to counter foreign influence campaigns and disinformation is to help our partners promote media and digital literacy, communicate credibly with their publics, and engage in “pre-bunking”—that is, seeking to inoculate their societies against disinformation before it can spread. In Indonesia, for example, USAID has worked with local partners to develop sophisticated online courses and games that help new social media users identify disinformation and reduce the likelihood that they will share misleading posts and articles.

The United States has also helped Ukraine in its fight against the Kremlin’s propaganda and disinformation. For decades, USAID has worked to enhance the media environment in the country, encouraging reforms that allow greater access to public information and supporting the emergence of strong local media organizations, including the public broadcaster Suspilne. After Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014, our work expanded to help the country’s local journalists produce Russian-language programming that could reach into Kremlin-occupied territories, such as Dialogues With Donbas, a YouTube channel that featured honest conversations with Ukrainians about life behind Russian lines. We also helped support the production of the online comedy show Newspalm, which regularly racks up tens of thousands of views as it skewers Putin’s lies. And even before Moscow’s full-scale invasion began in February 2022, we worked with the government of Ukraine to stand up the Center for Strategic Communications, which uses memes [memetic warfare], well-produced digital videos, and social media and Telegram posts to poke holes in Kremlin propaganda.

I still need to look into Newspalm. I’ll update if I find anything. As I don’t know Ukrainian, or Russian, I’m using Google translate for the following information. Note, this is all speculation!


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Another ‘fact-check’: Did Zelensky Order Destruction of Docs Linked to Hunter Biden?

If I have the energy, I might do more research into this later.


Google Translate:

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, with the participation of specialists of the Security Service of Ukraine, organized the destruction of the personal belongings of servicemen, collaborators and staff of the Public Health Center from 24 March 2022. Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, DU “Ukrainian nuclear research anti-plague institute” I.I. Menkikova of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Zhytomyr regional and at the transport centers of the laboratory centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, which jointly planned
Member of Metabiota Inc., Battelle.
TVO of the head of the party
S.V. Daynet

Yandex Translate

Another ‘fact-check’:

Fact Check: Did Zelensky Order Destruction of Docs Linked to Hunter Biden?

As such, the link between Metabiota, Hunter Biden, and Ukraine here is tenuous. While the firm associated with Rosemont Seneca invested and raised money for Metabiota, there is no link here between the president’s son, Zelensky, and the destruction of documents.


The truth about Hunter Biden and the Ukrainian ‘bio labs’

Newsweek, claiming that the translation is dubious, goes on to cite The Insider, an ‘independent’ website that conducts “joint investigations” with Bellingcat. Last year, they were declared “undesirable” by Russia.

[2017] The Rothschild Trust Financed Khodorkovsky’s Anti-Russian Political Projects

The Rothschild Trust Financed Khodorkovsky’s Anti-Russian Political Projects

As is known, despite the public promise not to engage in political activity after his release from prison, former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been actively involved in the financing of various media and political projects. The structures of Khodorkovsky actively communicated with the international fraudster William Browder and helped to lobby for the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions in the US Congress. However, the projects of Khodorkovsky, as it turned out, have more high patrons and sponsorship streams than only the means of the former oligarch.

The “Institute of Modern Russia”, along with “Open Russia” was recognized by the State Office of the Public Prosecutor as an undesirable organization. The structure is closely associated with a number of American NGOs specializing in conducting propaganda activities against Russia, and is affiliated with organizations such as, for example, the “Free Russia Foundation”. The NGO was founded in the US in early 2015 to “promote democracy in Russia”. By the way, if to look at the personnel of the administrative board of the NGO – [Ilya] Ponomareva, [Vladimir] Milova, [Sergey] Aleksashenko – it immediately becomes clear what kind of democracy they are trying to promote in our country from overseas.

And the fact of cooperation between ISR and the US government agency BBG [now USAGM], the specialties of which include anti-Russian propaganda, speaks for itself.