VICE News Leaves Out Connections to Ukraine in Their Story on American Neo-Nazis

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World.

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets (archived)

What they’re leaving out:

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Goyim Defense League: So-called Nazis resurface in Orlando, voice support for Biden over Trump: ‘He sends rockets to Ukraine’

Jon Minadeo II AKA Handsome Truth (Goyim Defense League): Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe): American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement), Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Denis Kapustin (Russian Volunteer Corps): Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement): “Our Mission is to Lead the White Races of the World in a Final Crusade…Against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”

Azov + Myrotvorets in MSM

Dear Moms, Think of Your Own Children!

The following is an unhinged rant with a hint of sarcasm (forgive me as I’m not a talented writer):

Just listened to the stupidest press conference with Moms Against Liberty (Moms For Liberty, rebranded as Moms Against TikTok), Libs of TikTok, Heritage Foundation, and select members of Congress. Feigning concern about liberty, and children’s rights, they’re calling for a ban on TikTok!

Rep. Troy Nehls called for the creation of an app, called “AmeriTok”, that advocates for gun ownership, limited government, responsible cigar smoking, freedom, individual rights, and liberty (the irony of advocating for freedom and liberty while calling for censorship)! He seems quite jealous that China puts time limits on children being on social media! Why not advocate for a similar law, considering kids could spend just as much time on Facebook or Instagram (or maybe leave parenting to the parents)?!

The astroturfed Moms Against Liberty campaign has been calling for book bans the last few years! Tell me how you can claim to advocate for freedom and liberty, when you are calling for censorship?! Besides, what will Libs of TikTok do if TikTok is officially banned, besides inciting others to violence?! Banning TikTok sets a dangerous precedent! I doubt that these people are true to their beliefs on children’s rights, though, or else they’d be advocating for a ban on Facebook and Instagram, as well! Of course, this has nothing to do with TikTok, except that Facebook can’t compete!

These radical conservatives are just as bad as those on the ‘radical left’ that they rail against! Their hypocrisy about social media privacy is astounding (trying to figure out how cigar smoking is safer for kids than TikTok)!

“Classified Documents”: First Trump, Now Biden. The Purge Is On?


“Classified Documents”: First Trump, Now Biden. The Purge Is On?

The rising ruling class wants a neocon-neoliberal-totalitarian humanist regime for which shady faux progressive characters like Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg will be the front figures, with neocon puppets like Ron DeSantis functioning as faux-controlled opposition culture war cheerleaders from the Right. The purge is on.

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.


The Bridge: Fred Dutton and the Realignment of the Democratic Party