Psychedelic Drugs Are Rushing Towards Approval for Therapy. Here’s What’s Next


Psychedelic Drugs Are Rushing Towards Approval for Therapy. Here’s What’s Next

Yet one glaring problem remains. Despite promising clinical results, no one knows exactly how psychedelic drugs work in the brain. Examining their actions on brain cells isn’t just an academic curiosity. It could give rise to variants that maintain antidepressant properties without the high. And because hallucinogens substantially alter our perception [management?!] of the world, they could be powerful tools for investigating the neurobiology behind consciousness.

This year, scientists found another common themepsychedelics seem to “reset” the brain to a more youthful state, at least in mice. Like humans, mice have an adolescent critical period, during which their brains are highly malleable and can easily rewire neural circuits, but the window closes after adulthood.

An earlier study showed that MDMA reopens the critical window in adult mice, so that they change their “personality.” Mice raised alone are often introverted and prefer to keep to themselves in adulthood. A dose of MDMA increased their willingness to snuggle with other mice—essentially, they learned to associate socializing with happiness, concluded the study.

It’s not that surprising. MDMA is well-known to promote empathy and bonding. The new study, by the same team, extended their early results to four psychedelics that don’t trigger fuzzy feelings—LSD, ketamine, psilocybin, and ibogaine. Similar to MDMA, adult mice raised alone changed their usual preference for solitude when treated with any of the drugs. Because habits are hard to change in adulthood—for mice and men—the drugs may have reopened the critical period, allowing the brain to more easily rewire neural connections based on new experiences.

These are just early results. But psychedelic research is gaining a new ally—artificial intelligence. Algorithms that predict protein structure, combined with rational drug design, could generate psychedelics that retain their psychiatric benefits without the high.

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act


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How the Debate Over Antidepressants Puts Millions in Danger

Nearly 10 percent of all Americans will experience symptoms of depression every year. One of the common forms of treatment includes a combination of therapy and antidepressants. According to the CDC, around 13 percent of Americans over the age of 18 were taking antidepressants between 2015 and 2018. The most commonly prescribed form of these are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), developed to alter serotonin flux in the brain.

How the Debate Over Antidepressants Puts Millions in Danger

Personally, I prefer being able to choose for myself. You know, my body-my choice!? I’m intelligent enough to do my own research and discuss my treatment options with my physicians. As someone who has suffered from depression, I wouldn’t demonize anyone that chooses to use antidepressants. I’ve been around people who have refused to take them and it wasn’t pretty, either. I can see why people would choose medication, over therapy, as it can be cheaper and less time-consuming (even with private insurance). I would assume that informed consent applies to most treatments (outside of coronavirus). I know that I had to sign informed consent forms every time that I went in, for refills and lab tests, every 90 days (every 30 days when I was on pain medication). Who knows, it might have changed in the past five years?! If they ever force-feed us drugs, to deal with this neoliberal hellhole, I would resist.

The Failed Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Marxist Analysis

By Carlos L. Garrido – Sep 9, 2022

A recent study published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry sent shockwaves across the scientific community and popular outlets as it disproved the predominant “serotonin hypothesis” of depression. In just two weeks since its publication it has been accessed by nearly half a million people and the subject of dozens of subsequent articles. The researchers analyzed a total of seventeen systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other large studies focused on the following six tenets pertinent to the “serotonin hypothesis” of depression:

The Failed Serotonin Theory of Depression: A Marxist Analysis