Emerging Markets Aim To Capitalize On Shifting Semiconductor Supply Chains

After the US levied sweeping restrictions against China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry last autumn, opportunities are emerging for other countries to bolster their positions in the supply chain for this critical component of the global economy and linchpin of future technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and next-generation computing.

Emerging Markets Aim To Capitalize On Shifting Semiconductor Supply Chains

Only one U.S. semiconductor plant! 😠

The Sino-American Tech Trap

Technology is ground zero in the conflict between the United States and China. For the American hegemon, it is about the leading edge of geostrategic power and the means for sustained prosperity. For China, it holds the key to the indigenous innovation required of a rising power. The tech war now underway between the two superpowers could well be the defining struggle of the twenty-first century.

The Sino-American Tech Trap