US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

US law enforcement is investigating armed men who have been conducting surveillance around the home of Mr. Rickford Burke, President of the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID). Security camera footage captured the men video recording and taking photographs of Mr. Burke’s home and his vehicles’ license plates.

US Law Enforcement Investigating Guyana Government Involvement in Surveillance of Rickford Burke’s Home, Transnational Repression Complaint Filed

Well, I’ll be damned! He’s the head of an NGO called the Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy! I wonder who funds that?!


AG declines to speak on legality of Guyanese police officer participating in delivering summonses to Rickford Burke in US

Jagdeo says Rickford Burke was properly served summonses; police, govt silent on key questions

Earlier this year, Mr Burke’s CGID organised a conference on Guyana to highlight alleged discrimination against Afro-Guyanese by the largely Indo-Guyanese backed People’s Progressive Party of which Mr Jagdeo is its General Secretary.

[2008] When the Left Was Right

The ghosts of 1968 are haunting Barack Obama, which is tremendously unfair, I say as his coeval, given that our cohort spent the Chicago Democratic Convention sticking baseball cards in our bicycle spokes rather than pelting Mayor Daley’s finest with porcine epithets. But guilt by association is ironclad in these days when American political discourse is controlled by hall monitors and tattletales. Obama’s friendship—acquaintance?—with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn is about to get extended play as the Republicans contrast Obama’s Weatherfriends with their nominee’s stint in the Hanoi Hilton.

When the Left Was Right

Nikki Haley Reinvigorates The GOP’s Breathless TikTok Hysteria… For The Children

We’ve noted many times how the GOP’s obsession with TikTok is stupid, performative, and utterly hollow. For example, the party desperately wants to ban TikTok for “privacy reasons,” yet consistently opposes passing privacy laws, or regulating data brokers that traffic in far more data — at a far greater international scale — than TikTok executives could ever dream of.

Nikki Haley Reinvigorates The GOP’s Breathless TikTok Hysteria… For The Children


GOP Stops Pretending It Ever Actually Cared About ‘Antitrust Reform’

GOP Stops Pretending It Ever Actually Cared About ‘Antitrust Reform’

To be clear, despite the press narrative to the contrary, I don’t think either party is particularly serious about antitrust reform. Congress is simply too grotesquely corrupt, and the combined cross-industry lobbying opposition to meaningful reform too great, to currently be overcome without some sort of major policy and cultural trajectory shift and a massive upheaval in Congress.


Big Tech Antitrust Push in Congress Is Blunted by GOP-Led House

The appointment of Massie, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology-trained inventor who has filed dozens of patents, signals that the Judiciary Committee under Chair Jim Jordan of Ohio will shift its focus away from legislation aimed at curbing the power of the largest tech companies. Jordan has been more focused on free-speech issues, including big tech’s perceived liberal bias.

“We’re all united in wanting to stop the censorship of conservatives and the suppression of free speech,” Jordan said in an interview. “That’s going to be a focus of the full committee work.”

Funny, that’s not what Massie told Breitbert. 🤷🏼‍♀️

One Man Has Set Up a $1.6 Billion Slush Fund to Fuel the Radical Right’s Takeover of Congress; Get Ready for a Dirty Tricks Campaign

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: August 26, 2022

The New York Times dropped a political bombshell on Monday. The public interest website, ProPublica, built further on the story that afternoon. And, as luck would have it, Wall Street On Parade finds itself in the unique position of filling in missing pieces of the story thanks to an investigative report we published in 2010.

One Man Has Set Up a $1.6 Billion Slush Fund to Fuel the Radical Right’s Takeover of Congress; Get Ready for a Dirty Tricks Campaign

Virginia: Same Old Same Old

Every time one thinks that politicians in the United States might have actually have had a “come to Jesus” moment and will henceforth serve the people who pay to support them, something pops up to demonstrate that nothing has changed but the names of the folks who are selling most of us out. As a Loudoun County Virginia resident with children and grandchildren in the public school system who is active in the Fight for Schools movement, I was delighted when Glenn Youngkin defeated the truly despicable Terry McAuliffe to become the next government of the state. McAuliffe not only engaged in constant race and class baiting in terms of how he couched his appeals to voters, confident that the fraud that he and his party-mates had engineered into the system disguised as “voting rights” would be enough to win the day in a state that has leaned Democratic in recent elections. So tone deaf to the voters was McAuliffe that he came out with “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” and two days before election day went off the deep end by telling his audience at a rally that Virginia just has too many school teachers who are white.

Same Old Same Old

The MAGA Clowns Making Chaos at the Border Have Ugly Pasts

The MAGA Clowns Making Chaos at the Border Have Ugly Pasts

In July 2019, Zuniga participated in a border wall symposium near El Paso organized by Bannon as part of the “We Build The Wall” campaign that got the former Trump aide arrested on charges of defrauding donors—at least until he was pardoned. At the event, speakers railed against an alleged invasion. Days later, prosecutors say a white racist executed 23 people at an El Paso Wal-Mart, citing a “Hispanic invasion.” Zuniga told The Daily Beast she condemns acts of violence, and doesn’t see a connection with her rhetoric. “I don’t believe killing people is the answer,” she said.


Bannon & GamerGate