Lessons From Legalization: The Problem Isn’t Cannabis, It’s Capitalism

420 FILE – The United States government is likely to end the designation of marijuana as a dangerous narcotic sometime this year, potentially marking one of the biggest federal decisions on the classification of the drug in decades. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration determined that marijuana is less harmful than, say, opioids and other substances, prompting the Biden administration to announce it would “reschedule” cannabis from a Schedule I—which is what the most dangerous drugs are classified as—to a Schedule III drug, commensurate with anabolic steroids and ketamine.

Lessons From Legalization: The Problem Isn’t Cannabis, It’s Capitalism

FYI, I’m not against cannabis for medicinal purposes. Especially since I can’t even get a prescription for any painkillers. I could rant about it, but I won’t.

Israeli Group to Study MDMA Therapy for October 7 Survivors With PTSD

Israeli Group to Study MDMA Therapy for October 7 Survivors With PTSD

A group of 400 Israeli survivors of the October 7 Hamas attack, including civilians, released hostages, and soldiers, could be offered MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in a potentially trailblazing study to commence later this year.

“Our goal is to create a therapy model that can serve universally, with the intention and prayer to help people,” said Dr. Keren Tzarfaty, CEO and co-founder of MAPS Israel, which is already running trials evaluating MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and eating disorders. “We hope it will demonstrate high levels of safety and effectiveness and enable us to offer the program in other places over the region and the world, not only to treat PTSD, but to help people open their hearts and expand their minds.”

Dr. Rick Doblin, founding president of the U.S.-based MAPS and a longtime advocate for using psychedelic therapy in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, said that the study would serve as a seminal piece of research into whether psychedelic-assisted therapy can help large groups of traumatized people.

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U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

U.S. raids Chinese auto parts maker in Ohio

In September, the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party in September wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas accusing Qingdao Sunsong of moving some of its production to Thailand to evade U.S. tariffs.

The letter identified Qingdao Sunsong’s public filings, which say the company’s products are subject to U.S. import tariffs of 25% imposed on certain goods made in China and that “in order to reduce tariff costs, the issuer has accelerated production in Thailand.”

In the letter to Mayorkas, Republican congressmen Mike Gallagher* of Wisconsin and Darin LaHood of Illinois called Sunsong’s actions a “case of blatant trade fraud that is having a catastrophic impact on American manufacturers.”

*Racist piece of 💩!

H/T: Johnsonwkchoi

Study: Field Drug Tests Generate Nearly 30,000 Bogus Arrests A Year

Field drug tests often seem to be more a triumph of imagination than a triumph of science. They’re cheap. Some popular tests run less than $3/per. That’s the literal selling point. When in doubt, a cop can get probable cause by grabbing a substance, dumping it into a field test, and deciding whatever results are generated are evidence of guilt.

Study: Field Drug Tests Generate Nearly 30,000 Bogus Arrests A Year

Assessment of Nuclear Conflict Risks at the Present Geopolitical Climate

The following is a letter by an anonymous viewer of the neutrality studies youtube channel, published here for the purpose of an open discussion. To send your own letter, please contact the editor.

Dear Pascal,

I thought I would write and to share some thoughts regarding the program you presented, with the two academics from Europe on the critical topic of “nuclear war risk assessment” at the present state of international geopolitical events. The link referencing your program is the following, that I am referring to:

Assessment of Nuclear Conflict Risks at the Present Geopolitical Climate

I slept through those videos. 🤷🏼‍♀️

For Reporters Without Borders, censorship is freedom of speech, and the death of Russian journalists does not count.

For Reporters Without Borders, censorship is freedom of speech, and the death of Russian journalists does not count.

In the Reporters Without Borders (RWB) annual report on journalists killed in the course of their work in 2023, the deaths of two Russian journalists killed in the area of the special military operation were simply erased from the count, as if their deaths did not count. But after all, this is hardly surprising coming from an organisation that in 2022 was already calling for censorship of the Russian media on the pretext of protecting freedom of speech.

52% of RWB’s funding comes from governments, including the French Development Agency, the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the UK Foreign Office, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the European Commission, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But if we look at the non-governmental players, RWB’s Russophobic bias can be fully explained. Its partners include the Open Society foundations of George Soros, who has never hidden the fact that he wants to see Russia collapse, and who supports colour revolutions around the world in order to install pro-Western governments in key countries such as Ukraine.

The Ford Foundation is also a donor to Reporters Without Borders. This foundation is literally infiltrated by the CIA (one of its former presidents is none other than the architect of what later became the CIA, and he hired American intelligence agents to work for the foundation)!

And to top it all off, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is one of RWB’s supporters. The NED is an American organisation funded by the US Congress, which has taken on some of the tasks previously carried out by the CIA! Don’t waste any more time, we’ve got the trifecta!