Municipalities in Puerto Rico Sue Fossil Fuel Giants Under Organized Crime Law

Sixteen municipalities in Puerto Rico are suing Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and other fossil fuel companies for their efforts to deny the role of fossil fuel products in causing climate change. In a November 2022 report for Common Dreams, Kenny Stancil described the lawsuit—a “first of its kind” RICO case—which seeks to hold the fossil fuel corporations financially responsible for the damages caused by the hurricanes that devastated Puerto Rico in 2017. The lawsuit contends that the 2017 hurricane season was made worse by global warming and that fossil fuel companies colluded to deceive the public about the impacts of fossil fuel products on the climate.

Municipalities in Puerto Rico Sue Fossil Fuel Giants Under Organized Crime Law

The Sordid History of the CIA

The CIA is a huge organization mostly filled with good people who consolidate information from other American intelligence agencies, foreign intelligence agencies, and corporate intelligence agencies. Some CIA officers work with murderous dictators and criminal organizations involved in the drug trade, arms dealing, and government contract fraud. There are great YouTube videos that provide insight into covert CIA operations. This is far too much material to condense into a short video. Here is a quick review of great YouTube videos about the CIA with a link to them below.

The Sordid History of the CIA via Tales of the American Empire

Related (Regis Tremblay’s YouTube was removed, so including different interviews):

Rev. Bill Davis: Contragate (1990)

Douglas Valentine: The CIA and the war in Ukraine (2022)

The CIA As Organized Crime With Doug Valentine