Shadowy US Spy Firm Promises To Surveil Crypto Users For the Highest Bidder

Leaked files reviewed by MintPress expose how intelligence services the world over can track cryptocurrency transactions to their source and therefore identify users by monitoring the movements of smartphone and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, such as Amazon Echo. The contents comprehensively detonate the myth of crypto anonymity, and have grave implications for individuals and states seeking to shield their financial activity from the prying eyes of hostile governments and authorities.

Shadowy US Spy Firm Promises To Surveil Crypto Users For the Highest Bidder


Anomaly Six

Terror Act at Training Site in Russia’s Belgorod Region Claims 11 Lives + Another Underground Group Emerges

Terror Act at Training Site in Russia’s Belgorod Region Claims 11 Lives – Defense Ministry


Terrorist Group of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars Claimed Responsibility For Attack At Training Camp In Belgorod

⚡️A new partisan group has made itself known: The Atesh movement claims to consist of Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Russians, who have joined the Russian army with the goal of “destroying it from inside”. Various acts of sabotage are to follow. #NoToWar

Daily Partizan

The Russian Defense Ministry says that the terrorists were from a member state of the Commonwealth of Independent States, but some newly-formed underground partisan group is claiming responsibility. I highly doubt it, but it’s still interesting to me. Most likely, they’re just another National Republican Army, who falsely claimed to have assassinated Darya Dugina, and are now supposedly hacking Russia. There’s a video clip, at the Twitter link, but it’s not in English and I can’t translate audio.

South Korea’s new president playing dangerous game with Pyongyang

by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The resumption of full-scale joint military exercises between the US and South Korea will increase tensions on the Korean Peninsula. After South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol came to power on March 22, pressure on North Korea increased, and in reaction, Pyongyang may react harshly to the strengthening of military ties between Seoul and Washington.

South Korea’s new president playing dangerous game with Pyongyang

Phishing Attacks On WordPress Site Owners Disguised As Copyright Infringement Warnings

Last year, we discussed how malicious actors on the internet were using fake copyright infringement notices in order to get people to click links that downloaded malware onto their machines. While there have long been these sorts of malware scams, what was notable about this one was that copyright culture and the fear of infringement had made this sort of thing viable. Putting the notices of a copyright troll and someone looking to infect machines with malware side by side, they’re basically the same thing in terms of tactic: scare the shit out of people over copyright infringement to get them to hastily do something they wouldn’t otherwise do. In some cases, that’s pay a settlement fee regardless of guilt. In other cases, click a link and get infected with malware.

Phishing Attacks On WordPress Site Owners Disguised As Copyright Infringement Warnings

CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow

CIA Director Burns Goes to Moscow

The most popular narrative currently making the rounds among some conspiracy theorists is that the Biden Administration has compiled what might be described as a dossier on the expansion of Chinese influence operations worldwide and is keen to make the case that they threaten everyone, including the Europeans and Russians. Presumably Burns would have been in Moscow to share that information in hopes that the burgeoning de facto alliance between Russia and China can be reversed. Whether Burns was successful in such a task remains to be seen, but it of course would not take into account that views in Beijing and Moscow have been shaped and hardened by confrontational activity that the United States has been engaged in both in the Baltic and South China Sea.

Russia aside, witness the recent wave of China bashing, begun by Barack Obama with his pivot to Asia, continued under Donald Trump with his China virus rants, and endorsed by Joe Biden’s team which persists in labeling Beijing as enemy number one. No one steps back and considers even for a moment that the US is China’s largest market and that the US in turn relies on Chinese manufactured products to fill its Walmarts. If ever two nations had good reasons not to go to war, it would be China and the United States, yet the US desire to confront the “Red Menace” to include defending Taiwan continues to drive policy.