Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

Tulsi Gabbard is running for Opportunist-in-Chief

But what’s disappointing about her recent Maga makeover is that she’s abandoned a lot of the positive portions of the Sanders agenda she once espoused, policies designed to help working people: higher wages, better health care, and stronger unions (she got a 100 per cent voting score as a congressperson from the AFL-CIO). Instead, she now dismisses all aspects of Bidenomics as “fascism” and plays up the culture wars.


Former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard will be keynote speaker at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser

Trump revealed Tuesday that he’s considering Gabbard as a running mate.

The fundraiser is not technically for Trump; it’s for the 917 Society, a nonprofit that promotes education about the Constitution.

917 Society Founders Club

917 Society Tax Filings

Tulsi Gabbard

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Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election + Notes

Indonesia’s feared ex-general Prabowo claims victory in presidential election

But the likely victory of Prabowo — an ex-general who was kicked out from the army and subjected to a two-decade ban from the U.S. over human rights violations — raises fears of the world’s third-largest democracy sliding backward into authoritarian rule.


3 things you should know about Indonesia’s presidential elections

Continuity and its risks

Prabowo is expected to largely continue the policies of President Widodo, or “Jokowi,” as Indonesians call him. President Widodo is not up for reelection as he’s serving his final term.

Through his two five-year terms, Indonesia’s economy — Southeast Asia’s largest — has grown at about 5% a year. His infrastructure building, cash and food assistance to the poor and health and education policies have been popular.

Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of nickel, used in making electric vehicle batteries, and Jokowi has barred the export of raw nickel, to help Indonesia move up the value chain from mining to manufacturing.

Prabowo is Suharto’s son-in-law. He received training in the 1980s from the U.S. military at Fort Benning, Ga. (now Fort Moore) and Fort Bragg, N.C. (now Fort Liberty).

Indonesia’s presidential election emerges as key battleground in US-China rivalry

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The Finnish government plans to criminalize communist symbols


On August 31st 2023 the Finnish government released a rather confusing document advocating the banning of communist symbols. The completely outlandish document is called a “Government statement to Parliament on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society”. What does a document with such a title have to do with communism?

The Finnish government plans to criminalize communist symbols

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

04-12-2023: If the West’s corporate media is anything to go by, popular pro-democracy groups in Myanmar have linked with ethnically based armed organisations in an attempt to restore civilian rule in the South-East Asian nation, which is bordered by Bangladesh and India to the west, Laos and Thailand to the east, and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the north. Supposedly, the Tatmadaw (the military of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar) cancelled elections in February 2021, brought the military to political power, and then proceeded to wage war against all those who resisted the takeover. Of course, this narrative, like many spun in the corporate media of the West, is little but an elaborate fabrication. In reality, the ruling classes of the West, principally those of the United States of America (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) are engaged in yet another proxy war of regime change in Myanmar,[1] which is squarely aimed not only at Naypyidaw, but also against its giant northern neighbour and economic and political partner, the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Western Backed “Pro-Democracy” Terrorists Wage War In Myanmar

Ron Wyden Wants To Know Why The DEA Still Has On-Demand Access To Trillions Of Phone Records

For decades, the government has used the Third Party Doctrine to obtain massive amounts of phone records without a warrant.

Even prior to the creation of the Third Party Doctrine by the Supreme Court in 1979, government agencies were obtaining phone records using pen register requests that provided them with info on numbers called and the length of the calls. This method, however, required the government to supply some information of its own: specifically, a targeted source phone number phone companies could use to search for call metadata.

Ron Wyden Wants To Know Why The DEA Still Has On-Demand Access To Trillions Of Phone Records

Fort Benning – New Name, Same Shame

As of Thursday May 11, 2023, “Fort Benning,” home of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) became “Fort Moore.” The name change was part of a broader initiative by the U.S. military to remove the names of Confederate officers from military bases at the recommendation of a congressional commission.

Fort Benning – New Name, Same Shame


The US School That Trains Dictators & Death Squads (Video)

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers

from the never-even-bothering-to-ask,-are-we-the-baddies? dept

Thu, Oct 12th 2023 04:13pm – Tim Cushing

As we’re all painfully aware by now, former Israeli intelligence analysts are capable of producing private sector malware companies faster than the CIA can produce successful coups.

Investigation Shows Israeli Malware Firms Pitching Spyware To Embargoed Countries, Serial Human Rights Abusers


Investigation: How Israeli Spyware Was Sold to Egypt and Pitched to Qatar and Saudi Arabia

VICE News Leaves Out Connections to Ukraine in Their Story on American Neo-Nazis

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World.

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets (archived)

What they’re leaving out:

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Goyim Defense League: So-called Nazis resurface in Orlando, voice support for Biden over Trump: ‘He sends rockets to Ukraine’

Jon Minadeo II AKA Handsome Truth (Goyim Defense League): Florida GOP Declares War On The First Amendment to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’

Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe): American Neo-Nazi Training Forces in Maine to Fight for Ukraine

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement), Christopher Pohlhaus (Blood Tribe), Denis Kapustin (Russian Volunteer Corps): Russian Militia Linked to American Neo-Nazis, Anti-Trans Figures

Robert Rundo (Rise Above Movement): “Our Mission is to Lead the White Races of the World in a Final Crusade…Against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”

Azov + Myrotvorets in MSM