Deployment of U.S. Nuclear Strategic Assets Is Root Cause of Ever-escalating Tensions on Korean Peninsula: Int’l Affairs Analyst of DPRK

Pyongyang, December 2 (KCNA) — Kang Jin Song, an international affairs analyst of the DPRK, released the following article “Deployment of U.S. strategic nuclear assets is malignant cause of vicious cycle of escalating tensions on Korean peninsula” on Saturday:

Deployment of U.S. Nuclear Strategic Assets Is Root Cause of Ever-escalating Tensions on Korean Peninsula: Int’l Affairs Analyst of DPRK

H/T: Der Friedensstifter

Papua New Guinea Students Protest US Military Pact

STUDENTS of Mt Hagen Technical College (HATECO) in Western Highlands Province staged a protest march to stop the signing of Defence Cooperation Agreement between PNG and the United States.

Giving the same reasons, the University of Papua New Guinea, the University of Technology and the University of Goroka have all conducted protest marches demanding the Prime Minister James Marape not to sign the deal until and unless the citizens are fully aware of what is entailed in the document.

Papua New Guinea Students Protest US Military Pact


US-China rivalry: American troops to access Papua New Guinea ports, airports in new security pact

SpaceX completes record year with Israeli imaging satellite launch

SpaceX completes record year with Israeli imaging satellite launch

EROS C3 is part of ImageSat’s EROS NG constellation, which includes EROS C1 and C2 as well as a planned future imaging satellite, EROS C4, slated for launch in 2026. EROS NG will also incorporate two synthetic aperture radar satellites that will be owned by an unnamed third party and commercialized by ImageSat.

Space intelligence around Ukraine

In the evening of October 4, 2022, photos and videos appear on social networks, about strange light pillars, several in Belgorod (1st and 2nd pictures), through various angles, at least one in Moscow (3rd picture), about 600 km to the north. Others are reported later in Omsk, about 2,250 km east of Moscow, then Murmansk (bottom), 1,500 km north of Moscow

Space intelligence around Ukraine


As users on Twitter report, an identical glow was also observed in Murmansk, which is the headquarters of the Northern Fleet and around which are located the largest submarine bases with nuclear submarines, especially strategic ones that can launch ballistic missiles, which have been the focus of American reconnaissance satellites and airplanes for the last week.

Russian journalist Dmitry Smirnov gave his opinion on this on his Telegram channel.

“It’s high time: Strange rays in the sky over Belgorod. Ukraine is already arguing that all is lost – Putin launched the laser weapon ‘Peresvet’ (named after the medieval warrior-monk who was blessed by St. Sergius of Radonezh to go to the battle on Kulikovo field).”

Glows spotted in Russia.
Read More »

About The Source of Those Satellite Images

“Massacre,” downloaded from: Yahoo News/Business Insider.
“Mass grave,” downloaded from Westword (Archived).

Twitter Thread by antiwar_soldier (Archived)

As noted by a previous post, six months ago, about Sino-Indian Relations:

Maxar provides 90% of the foundational geospatial intelligence used by the United States Government for national security and keeping troops safe on the ground.


Maxar’s customers (think tanks, defense contractors, & intelligence agencies)

Westminster Company Maxar Captures Satellite Images of Ukraine Conflict:

From its headquarters in Westminster, Maxar is keeping the federal government informed about ground conditions in Ukraine. For the past two decades, the company has worked with the National Reconnaissance Office’s EnhancedView program, which allows the NRO — which manages America’s spy satellites — to gain additional imagery from private outfits.

Along with the U.S. government, Maxar has partnered with private businesses and overseas allies including Ukraine to provide up-to-date images throughout the conflict. All of the imagery is unclassified.

The NRO pays Maxar $300 million a year to provide imaging along with other data-related services. “Maxar is one of three electro-optical commercial imagery providers on contract with the NRO and provides commercial imagery in support of NRO’s mission in providing data to more than 500,000 government users in the Intelligence Community, the Department of Defense, dozens of federal civil government agencies, allies, and mission partners,” says the NRO spokesperson.

Dan Jablonsky, CEO of Maxar, says one of the important parts of the company’s work is providing news organizations imagery that promotes transparency, helps reduce the spread of misinformation, and shows the realities on the ground in Ukraine.

Maxar Technologies — The eye in the sky tracking invasion of Ukraine (Archived):

One of these companies is Maxar, headquartered in Colorado, USA. Maxar traces its history back to the 1960s on its website though its current incarnation’s roots lie in Worldview Imaging Corporation, aka DigitalGlobe

During the late 1990s and early 2000s, DigitalGlobe forged close links with the US government, being licensed to launch commercial image-gathering satellites – technology that had previously been dominated by the world’s militaries. Contracts in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars reportedly followed.

The company’s close links to the US government persist. In 2019, NASA awarded it the contract for building a Moon-landing module, while this year Northrop Grumman won a $935m habitation module contract that required integration with a propulsion module being built by Maxar. Three years ago it reportedly sold its space robotics arm MDA for $765m.

NRO’s strategy to buy satellite imagery shaped by thriving commercial market:

The NRO [National Reconnaissance Office] is the U.S. intelligence agency responsible for developing, launching and operating the nation’s spy satellites. It is also the primary acquirer of commercial imagery for the federal government.

Maxar Technologies is the NRO’s sole supplier of commercial high-resolution satellite imagery under the EnhancedView contract, a deal that dates back to 2010 when NGA [National Geospatial Intelligence Agency] selected two imagery providers — DigitalGlobe and GeoEye. By 2012, government spending cuts forced NGA to slash its imagery budget by half. EnhancedView subsequently was reduced from more than $7 billion to about $3.5 billion, which led to the merger of the two companies under DigitalGlobe.

The NRO pays Maxar $300 million a year for access to the former Digital Globe’s WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3 and GeoEye-1 satellites, as well as the company’s image archive. EnhancedView was a 10-year deal set to expire in 2020 but when the NRO took over the management of the contract, it added three one-year options worth about $300 million each. The agency so far has exercised two one-year options, extending the contract through August 2022.

[Chris] Quilty said Maxar is expected to remain the largest supplier of imagery to the U.S. government but it is almost certain that Planet and BlackSky will get some share of the EOCL contracts.

Interesting comments on satellite images and propaganda: Are These Satellite Images War Propaganda?

Screenshot from New York Post on China’s “internment camps.”
Screenshot from WaPo on “forced labor” in China.

See this link regarding China’s “internment camps & forced labor.”

Related: Bucha Notes