Philippines Gunning For Fast And Massive Military Build-Up + More

Full video.

MANILA –“We are not satisfied with minimum [deterrence capability alone]…movement is life, stagnation is death,” Colonel Micheal Logico, a top strategist at the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), recently told this reporter when asked about the country’s evolving defense strategy.“We [need] to elevate ourselves into a world-class armed forces,” he added.

Philippines Gunning For Fast And Massive Military Build-Up


De Facto American Military Forward Operating Base?

Hungry Pinoys highest so far under Marcos government

Philippines Conducts Joint Exercises With U.S. In S. China Sea

Batanes eyed for Balikatan military drills

Report: US Military Advisors Deployed to Taiwan-Controlled Islands on China’s Coast

NATO Keeps Saying Things NATO Doesn’t Let You Say

There are two things that go off script and are not allowed to be said. Every official statement or mainstream media article that mentions the war in Ukraine must call it an unprovoked war. You are not allowed to say that NATO expansion east, potentially to Ukraine and right up to Russia’s borders, was a provocation, even if you add that it does not justify the war. And you are not allowed to say that it is time for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia and that conceding territory must be on the table. In the past couple of weeks, top NATO officials have said them both.

NATO Keeps Saying Things NATO Doesn’t Let You Say

Where is the political courage of yesteryear?

Are We Back to Nuclear Brinkmanship for Good?

In his speech last week, Sullivan said the world was at an “inflection point” that demanded “new strategies for achieving the same goal we’ve held since the Cold War: Reduce the risk of nuclear conflict.” Instead, we seem to be inching inexorably back toward a time when, as Kennedy commented 60 years ago, any “two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, [can] decide to bring an end to civilization.”

*Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

US would rather see the world end than lose its supremacy

Editor’s Note:
The recent developments in East Asia, such as the détente between South Korea and Japan, South Korea’s increasing hostility toward China, and the talk of a liaison office of NATO in Tokyo, have raised alert of observers, as the US escalates confrontation with China. What are the obstacles for East Asia to maintain peace? Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Wenwen discussed these issues with K.J. Noh (Noh), a US-based journalist, political analyst, writer and educator specializing in the geopolitics and political economy of the Asia-Pacific region. He is a member of Veterans for Peace and Pivot to Peace.

US would rather see the world end than lose its supremacy

A radioactive cloud from Khmelnitsky is approaching Europe + U.S. Is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine

From: State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
(Poor Machine Translation)

Now it’s official. Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Patrushev said that the radioactive cloud that arose after the explosion of an ammunition depot in Khmelnitsky (where a large number of depleted uranium tank shells were destroyed) is approaching Western Europe. An increase in the radiation level has been recorded in Poland. As the British said there. You shouldn’t worry about it. Our military must be understood before the blow got acquainted with the wind rose and are now watching the consequences. The main threat from such munitions is the serious increase in cancer in the medium term, as confirmed in Yugoslavia and Iraq. Now in Ukraine and Europe

A radioactive cloud from Khmelnitsky is approaching Europe


U.S. Is Hastening “Final Ruin” of Ukraine