Breaking Points’ New “Network” Features Neo-Cons and Squad Apologists

Indie News Network

Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into the Breaking Points and their Affiliates

After years of non-stop lies, many have moved away from the mainstream media and began going to alternative media sources. As a result, we’ve seen a lane of media emerge that positions themselves as anti-establishment or populist, but in the end are serving the same corporate interests of the mainstream media.

Stay tuned for more updates from Indie News Network on this developing story.

Breaking Points’ New “Network” Features Neo-Cons and Squad Apologists

Video by BigMadCrab on YouTube.

H/T: Breaking Points “Network” is Full of Oligarch-Affiliates and Neo-Cons by Franc Analysis on YouTube.


Neocons Co-Opting The Populist Movement

Billionaire political meddlers, disinformation agents launch ‘Good Information Inc.’ to fight disinformation

Billionaire political meddlers, disinformation agents launch ‘Good Information Inc.’ to fight disinformation

Good Information is much more than another partisan op. It a domestic echo of the aggressive information warfare operations that billionaire activists like Soros and Omidyar have sponsored abroad, usually alongside US intelligence cut-outs, in the service of imperial goals. And this time, the target is the American public.



Left-wing billionaires George Soros, Reid Hoffman reportedly bankroll new media firm to fight ‘disinformation’

It’s all part of the Great Reset/New Normal!

Left-wing billionaires George Soros, Reid Hoffman reportedly bankroll new media firm to fight ‘disinformation’

Left-wing billionaires George Soros, Reid Hoffman reportedly bankroll new media firm to fight ‘disinformation’

“McGowan says that the group’s goal in the next year is to raise more awareness about immediate solutions to counter disinformation before it spreads,” Axios reported.

More control over the narrative, in the interest of Big Business, whether it’s foreign or domestic!