Lenin: Socialism and Religion

Lenin: Socialism and Religion

The economic oppression of the workers inevitably calls forth and engenders every kind of political oppression and social humiliation, the coarsening and darkening of the spiritual and moral life of the masses. The workers may secure a greater or lesser degree of political liberty to fight for their economic emancipation, but no amount of liberty will rid them of poverty, unemployment, and oppression until the power of capital is overthrown. Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people, over burdened by their perpetual work for others, by want and isolation. Impotence of the exploited classes in their struggle against the exploiters just as inevitably gives rise to the belief in a better life after death as impotence of the savage in his battle with nature gives rise to belief in gods, devils, miracles, and the like. Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. But those who live by the labour of others are taught by religion to practise charity while on earth, thus offering them a very cheap way of justifying their entire existence as exploiters and selling them at a moderate price tickets to well-being in heaven. Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of man.

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Sites covering the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church blocked in Ukraine + Ukrainian government hires lobbyists in the U.S. to support the law on banning the UOC

Sites covering the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church blocked in Ukraine

A number of major sites covering the activities and the plight of the persecuted canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, including an official UOC resource, have been blocked in Ukraine.

The blocked sites include the UOC’s Information-Education Department (news.church.ua), the Union of Orthodox Journalists (spzh.media), Orthodox Life (pravlife.org), and Raskolam.net. This was reported by both the Union of Orthodox Journalists and  Raskolam.net.

Last month, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) raided the homes and offices and arrested several members of the Union of Orthodox Journalists, who now face life in prison for a number of charges related to their reporting on the persecution of the UOC.


Ukrainian government hires lobbyists in the U.S. to support the law on banning the UOC – mass media

Ukrainian MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion

Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that MPs plan to vote on the bill to ban the UOC in February 2024.

MP from “Servant of the People” Oleksandr Aliksiychuk stated that the second reading of the bill to ban the UOC will be voted on in February 2024, dedicating it to the second anniversary of the Russian invasion. He said this in an interview with the public organization “Holka”.

MP: We will vote to ban the UOC by the anniversary of the invasion


US lawyer sends “White Book” on draft law against UOC to the Verkhovna Rada

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Just 2 House members did not vote in favor of a resolution affirming Israel’s right to exist

Just 2 House members did not vote in favor of a resolution affirming Israel’s right to exist

However, the resolution made no mention of Palestinians — who have their own historical claims in the region — even as it stated that Jewish people are “native to the Land of Israel.”

In a statement, Tlaib argued that the resolution “ignores the existence of the Palestinian people” and “brings us no closer to peaceful coexistence.”

The resolution also states that “denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism” — which Massie took issue with.

Antisemitism is deplorable, but expanding it to include criticism of Israel is not helpful,” Massie wrote on X.

Still predicting that they’ll adopt the IHRA definition of Antisemitism during the Biden regime!


Bernie Sanders: Justice for the Palestinians and Security for Israel

Ukrainian Orthodox Church [UOC-MP] Updates for 11-20-2023


UN agency documents an increase in violence against believers in Ukraine


VoA propaganda: Orthodox Church Row Threatens US Aid to Ukraine*

Video: Tucker Carlson interviews Lawyer for UOC

*Viktor Yelensky

Viktor Yelensky was a member of the Fulbright Scholar Program 2003–2004. Within 2004 he worked at Brigham Young University (Utah, USA).

Viktor Yelensky headed the Ukrainian journal for religious studies “Lyudina i Svit” (“Human Being and the World”, 1995–2004) and lead the Kyiv Bureau of Radio Liberty (2005–2008). Also on the radio he was the host of the program “Freedom of Conscience”.

NGOs, “Unions”, & Media Outlets in the Service of Imperialism

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)

Security forces brandishing machine guns cordoned off a Ukrainian Orthodox monastery in western Ukraine yesterday, to check documents and people, allegedly part of “security” measures.

Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)


Security forces with machine guns cordon off the Bancheny Monastery

“Shame!” Thousands of devotees push back security forces from UOC Monastery

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church