Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Riga – In a Stalinist skyscraper dominating the skyline of Latvia’s capital, dozens of elderly Russians wait to take a basic Latvian language test as a proof of loyalty to a country where they have lived for decades.

Scores of Russians take Latvian language test as deportation looms

Flashback to when Trump said that he was going to make federal employees to take loyalty tests:

‘Full-blown fascism’: Donald Trump envisions a ‘civil service test’ for ‘every federal employee’

Raising Social Security’s retirement age would slam low-wage workers yet again

A proposal by Sens. Angus King (I-ME) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to raise the Social Security retirement age to 70 would be a massive benefit cut, particularly affecting low-wage workers. If Congress enacts it, millions more Social Security taxpayers would not live long enough to collect a cent in retirement benefits.

Raising Social Security’s retirement age would slam low-wage workers yet again


Social Security Solvency: Raised Retirement Age More Likely as Congress Fails to Compromise

France, a Nation On The Edge After Government’s Pension Reforms Bypass Democratic Process

“HE’S ONLY DOING SHIT” – Apple Translate.

France, a Nation on the Edge.

French President Emmanuel Macron rammed a controversial pension reform through parliament without a vote by invoking a special executive measure. With the opposition braced for a no-confidence vote and the unions threatening more strikes, France witnessed a dramatic week in politics.

France, a Nation On The Edge After Government’s Pension Reforms Bypass Democratic Process: Macron Uses Executive Order To Push Bill Through

America’s $52 Billion Plan to Make Chips at Home Faces a Labor Shortage + manufacturing chips in the US could make smartphones more expensive

America’s $52 Billion Plan to Make Chips at Home Faces a Labor Shortage

Another possible fix would be to keep people in the workforce longer, by raising the age at which workers can begin collecting Social Security or tapping into their pensions or 401(k)s. Yet Harry Holzer, a former US Department of Labor chief economist now at Georgetown University, says that neither feels politically feasible right now. Immigration has been a toxic issue in American politics for years, and Social Security has long been an untouchable entitlement. “None of that is doable,” Holzer says, which means “our labor force growth is going to continue to be modest.”


How manufacturing chips in the US could make smartphones more expensive

Morcos says a top concern of his is the narrowness of the CHIPS Act. Without bringing related device manufacturing back to the U.S., such as device batteries, sensors, cameras, antennas, and hundreds of other components, the manufacturing process could require the most critical component to be produced stateside, then shipped overseas to be assembled with hundreds of other components into a device that is then shipped back to the U.S. for the American consumer.

Work longer, for less pay, and you still won’t be able to afford the latest smartphone or laptop?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Tucker Carlson is no populist…

Watch: Tucker Carlson repeatedly attacks Medicare and Social Security

…unless right-wing populists now think that Grandpa & Grandma should live on the street, eating kitty food!


Right-wing populism:

Right-wing populism in the Western world is generally associated with ideologies such as anti-environmentalism, anti-globalization, nativism, and protectionism. In Europe, the term is often used to describe groups, politicians, and political parties generally known for their opposition to immigration, especially from the Muslim world, and for Euroscepticism. Right-wing populists may support expanding the welfare state, but only for those they deem fit to receive it; this concept has been referred to as “welfare chauvinism”.

Right-wing populists and welfare chauvinism:

According to welfare chauvinists, the safety nets of the welfare state are for those whom they believe belong in the community. By the right-wing populist standard, affiliations with society are based in national, cultural and ethnic or racial aspects. Considered to be included in the category are those that are regarded as nourishing. The debilitating group (primarily immigrants) is considered to be outside of society and to be unjustly utilizing the welfare system. In essence, welfare chauvinists consider immigration to be a drain on societal scarce resources. They believe these resources should be used for the ethnically homogeneous native population, preferably children and the elderly.

French police attack Yellow Vests protesters in rally against Macron’s economic policies

French police have attacked Yellow Vests protesters, firing tear gas and rubber bullets at thousands of demonstrators, who took to the streets to denounce French President Emmanuel Macron’s economic policies and pension reform.

French police attack Yellow Vests protesters in rally against Macron’s economic policies


Emmanuel Macron presses ahead with pension reform as French discontent swells

Macron: French health sector problems could deepen in coming years

Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs

Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs

The programs have long been targets of Republicans, despite the fact that Social Security is fully funded through 2035 and is able to pay for 90% of benefits for the next 25 years, even without Congress acting to expand it.


GOP’s Thune Sees Debt-Ceiling Hike as Vehicle for Budget Cuts

White House Knocks Thune’s Bid to Tie Debt Limit to Entitlements

Strikes & protests in France (and demonstrations in the US)

Strikes grow as Macron postpones threat to crush French refinery strike


French left-wing parties gather protesters to march in Paris, as refinery strikes persist

The French call for NATO exit

MSM was all over the cost of living protests but nothing about the Anti-NATO protests. Videos have emerged of police repression in Paris (at which protest, I’m unsure). Meanwhile, in the US, the Poor People’s Campaign, and allies, held multiple demonstrations to get out the vote (which were mainly covered by local news).