The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal

Sam Bankman-Fried was set to testify before Congress on Tuesday, but before he could appear, he was arrested in the Bahamas. Not surprisingly, most of the charges he’s facing involve allegations of fraud related to the collapse of FTX, his crypto-trading platform. But a federal indictment unveiled Tuesday also accuses SBF—a prolific political donor who cultivated relationships with politicians and policymakers—of campaign finance violations.

The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more

Meryl Nass, MD Alliance for Human Research Protection | June 28, 2020

Below, Dr. Meryl Nass reviews a long list of corrupt practices that undermine the integrity of medical science and the practice of medicine during the current medical crisis. The coronavirus crisis has been made significantly worse by stakeholders who are preventing doctors from prescribing for their patients, existing, safe and effective medicines, because the stakeholders are invested on garnering projected future profits from not-yet-developed vaccines and “countermeasures” specifically developed against COVID-19.

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more

Coronavirus: GOP senators sold off stock worth millions after meeting on pandemic just before market crash

Coronavirus: GOP senators sold off stock worth millions after meeting on pandemic just before market crash

Senators Loeffler And Burr Caught Dumping Their Stocks After Private Meeting On Coronavirus Impact

Senator Dumped Up to $1.7 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness


Third GOP Senator caught selling equity before the market crash — this time up to $25 million worth

Private equity firm makes equity investment in Oshkosh manufacturer Pacur